10.- Rethinking the past

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Dong Hua was in his study, when Feng Jiu entered hesitatingly.

DH: Why are you hesitating? You were always courageous and free mannered. What's wrong today?

Feng Jiu seemed to be worrying.

FJ: I want to ask you to forgive me for hiding such critical information, Dijun. The world's situation is very important. I was thinking of it the whole past time.

He sighed and looked at her persistently.

DH: It was not the emperor who got angry, but your husband. I am only worrying for your protection and, now, much more than before, because of your illness. And don't call me "dijun", never again.

FJ: Alright, I trust your explanation. But, anyway, I want to explain my behavior. I would not keep the secret for ever for my personal reasons. It is only that I had got used to deal with that problem by myself and I always thought that this belonged to my past and that it was limited in that area. I must confess that I wanted to avenge Meng's death. But, recently, I began to feel that perhaps it was not only past and not at all limited in that area. I felt it, but I was not yet so sure, to feel obliged to inform you immediately. I had been absorbed in... the recent change of my life... so, I forgot it...

DH: Alright. I can understand well your desire to avenge, but now you are married with me and whatever harms you will affect badly my own life, too. Additionally, you have also a very young son who needs you.

She raised her eyes at him surprised and tried to conceive the meaning of his words. Affect badly his life? She was obviously wondering. Dong Hua noticed clearly her surprise and effort to conceive his word's meaning.

FJ: Alright, I will think seriously over these two factors.

Dong Hua was worrying too much. He realized that this problem of hers would continue. She obviously had some strange connection with that spirit. She suddenly turned to him again.

FJ: Ah! I also want to tell you that I have some special skills to hit accurately that spirit in its eye. You can make use of them, if there is no other hope for saving the world.

He stood up and approached her very closely, looking at her with his strict stare.

DH: Skills? Make use? I will never let you sacrifice your life! What kind of skills?

He was deeply worrying with the facts.

FJ: I must tell you that, in that stage of the attack, when somebody is to hit the center of the eye, the accuracy of the sword is much more important than all the other skills and powers, because it is moving and you must foresee its movement. I am especially skillful in this.

His eyes were wide opened worried because of her words. Not only of her skills but of her attacking it, sacrificing her life.

They went in the garden, he was silent. There, she presented to him her skills in accuracy with her sword, even with knives, against moving aims. She was extraordinary, indeed.

DH: How, did you manage to have such skills?

He asked with disbelief.

FJ: I trained very hard for thousands of years and I must say that the men around me, although mighty warriors, could not be so accurate as I was. My teacher said that the accuracy is in my character, it is not only due to training... Will you think of using me when facing that bad spirit... if necessary?

DH: I will think of it. I am not sure for my decision.

How could he prevent her from participating in that battle? He loved this woman for her strong and loving character, but now he wanted to close her somewhere to be safe. This was unreasonable, but it was the reality in him.

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