8.- Revealing the secret of the Forbidden Land

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She lifted her arms and formed a magical image in the air. An almost round and formless beast was revealed, identical to the real vivid one. It was black-brown, motionless, disgustingly slippery with no other sign on it. Dong Hua's eyes were widely opened.

DH: What's this?

FJ: The nothingness itself – that bad spirit. It can break your heart into many pieces only with its appearance. You don't know where to beat it. Everything on it is dangerous. And you must wait patient and protected to discover the critical points on it.

DH: How do you know all this? (he asked horrified of the danger she had faced) .

FJ: Some very useful information was given to me by some small, imprisoned there, spirits and other beings, who live in the land for many thousand years. Some other was revealed to me when I met it.

DH: Did you meet it personally?

His face showed real horror, of which he could hardly hide the whole extent.

FJ: Yes, I met it for the first time, when I was trying to save a friend from its formless and yet unknown to me presence.

He was speechless for the time. He was trying to conceive the facts. One of the reasons he had forced her out of his life was her protection and, despite this, she had went just in the mouth of this badness...

DH: What is the next stage of its function?

FJ: When it is ready to attack, then an ugly eye appears on its back, it can appear anywhere on the back and move on it. This eye is prominent and vivid, but very ugly and awful. Its stare can turn you into a stone. That's why you must create a mask of energy on your face, so that you don't look at it straightly, but through your mask. This is a very critical point for somebody's safety. The mask must be like this.

She created a mask immediately on her face.

(***This is similar to the beast-woman of greek mythology, Methusa, whose eyes could turn somebody into stone. So, the attacker had to look at her through a kind of mirror to be protected. But her appearance and the rest elements were completely different than here).

FJ: You can't see my features clearly, but I can see yours in details. This is the protection to avoid your transformation into stone. But only for this.

She took off the mask and continued.

FJ: The next move is to attack against it, to the core of the eye. The sword must be nailed in this exact point of the eye. But, if its power has been fully developed, this attack can be done only in two ways: Either under an ancient spell, protective for the attacker, or else sacrificing willingly himself. Only under the one of these two conditions the attack can be successful. When I did it, I didn't need the protective spell, because it was still weaker, although extremely dangerous, but the death was not inevitable. Dong Hua, you must be one who knows this ancient spell. But, even you cannot do it all alone. You must cooperate with others, capable enough to restrain the beast's power to destroy you during your attack. There must be three around you, the one representing the fire, the other one the earth and the third the water. This spirit is capable to control all the elements, that's why. I don't know if there is anybody else who can take your place if needed. And finally you must remember that this formless spirit has also the ability of communication and scheming its movements. I don't remember more. I will tell you any other details I remember later. That's all.

She seemed to be exhausted. She was sweating all over her body and face. She tried to cover it, but her effort was futile. Dong Hua was staring at her worryingly. Feng Jiu tried to restrain herself. Dong Hua approached her.

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