9.- The first schedules

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When Lian Song learned about the situation in the Forbidden Land was speechless for long. This was an extraordinary occasion for the whole world, indeed. What Dong Hua already knew and her information about those details and certain characteristics were leading to the same conclusion: that a very bad spirit with unknown origin and capabilities had appeared in the world.

LS: How did she decide to speak about it?

DH: She didn't... I forced her to do it...

LS: Force?... What kind of force?... I don't recognize you, Dong Hua.

Dong Hua smirked.

DH: I became mad at the thought of such a danger, that's all.

LS: Oh... this woman is just for you... it is clear now... But did she not react to your force?

DH: "..."

LS: Oooh...! She reacted. Ha! I would like to see it.

Dong Hua gave him a heavy look.

DH: The main problem is that she finally fell ill, because there is a strong connection between her and that bad spirit in the Forbidden Land. I have a double problem now: her health and the bad spirit itself.

After this, Dong Hua and Lian Song try to make the first schedules to destroy the bad spirit and face the emerging world problems.

LS: Why can't we attack it as soon as possible, before it grows stronger?

DH: Because we want it to reveal itself to such an extent that we can destroy every root of it. You see, Feng Jiu had hit it, when it was weaker, but it regained its power, however it became stronger than before. She doesn't know this characteristic. I keep secret the rest elements, because I want her away from the matter.

(In greek mythology there was, also, a beast with many heads, the Hydra. If you cut the one, then two heads would appear in its position. So, you had to burn them in the root. Anyway, I gave another option with some similarity and I made a combination of the two beasts in the bad spirit of this story).

LS: Had she defeated it? I didn't know it.

DH: Yes, with the help of some creatures which lived there.

LS: A, so...!

DH: But we must defeat and burn all its powers at once, or else it will grow even stronger than before. If one of its powers is destroyed, then greater power emerge in the position of the previous one. Feng Jiu could not avoid the attack that time, even if she knew that it would grow stronger. That's why we must be patient. And we must from now on prepare that capable protective and aggressive triangle against that bad spirit. Are you ready for this preparation?

LS: Yes, I'll begin my effort for further cultivation. Who else will connect us?

DH: We must leave behind some capable ones to handle the rest affairs of the world. That's why we cannot use all of our powers. Another possibility is Zhe Yan, a phoenix connected with fire, but he has also the power to give balance to the world, so if something happens to him, many other misfortunes may fall upon the world. So, this would be our last choice. Then, there are Mo Yuan, Ye Hua and Bai Zhi, the strongest ones, but also necessary for the world steadiness. Those who will attack together must be clear enough so that the bad spirit cannot poison their souls from within, they must not be only powerful. Because, if so, this badness will survive through them.... Alright, we'll discuss it again. You may tell me your opinion and your proposals next time on this basis.

LS: Alright, I 'll check all the immortals I know, to choose two of them... I leave now.


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