15.- Closer relationship

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After a whole day, Feng Jiu, at last, woke up and walked in the hall, heading to Dong Hua's study. He was sitting there with his usual indifferent and calm attitude. She approached greeting him. He was smiling.

DH: How are you today? Mmm...?

FJ: I am always causing problems to you because of my health, I feel terribly for this.

DH: Don't.

Feng Jiu looked at his appearance being curious due to some change and then terrified with her eyes widely opened.

FJ: Oh, Dong Hua! You went to the Forbidden Land. I am sure.

DH: What are you talking about?

FJ: Dong Hua! Don't lie to me!

She began crying. Dong Hua could not stand her sorrow and got up to ease her suspicions.

DH: Feng Jiu, look at me. I am alright.

FJ: No, you are not. Your face is just like mine, extremely exhausted, when I entered that land. The signs are quite similar. You are much more powerful than me, but the bad spirit is, also, stronger than it was when I met it.

She sat on a chair, unable to stand.

FJ: Are you injured and where exactly?

DH: No, I am not.

FJ: And what is that tiny spot of blood on your shoulder?!

Lian Song entered the study that moment and saw that these two had a problem. But neither the one nor the other seemed to have noticed his presence.

FJ: You should have taken me with you as a help, because I know some small spirits in the land who could help you. They are my friends.

DH: One of them has already helped me.

FJ: Nonsense! This was, obviously, not enough. They are very afraid to come out of their shelters. But they would make an exception for me, because I had helped them in the past. I suspect that you came to your study today morning only to fool me and not see the truth. Tell me, this kind of hits are usually poisonous, in this way my previous husband was poisoned and lost his life. What about yours? (She cried desperately with her face covered by her both hands).

DH: I am alright. Don't be afraid.

Dong Hua made a sign to Lian Song to leave. He left at once. Dong Hua went too closely to her and pulled her up to hug her, indifferent for her reaction. He put his chin on her head.

DH: Feng Jiu, your previous husband had said that his marriage with you was the best thing he had ever done in his life. I will say the same for myself, who has lived much more than him and seen more people and circumstances.

She was crying, she could not stop crying. He never tolerated women's tears, but it was because of their nonsense, the insignificant matters they cared and the pretending. These tears were tears of desperation and... perhaps... love.

She raised her eyes, without stopping the tears.

FJ: But you married me for an alliance, for the world's sake. How can you say such a thing? Don't feel indebted to me for such a small matter.

DH: Don't pay attention only to my words, but also to my actions. And, at last, stop this nonsense about the alliance! How can you be so naive in the relationships?

But she could not understand at all what he meant. It was obvious that her effort to forget him was so persistent and hard, that the belief that he didn't love her back and that her love was a huge mistake had covered everything else in her mind and heart. It had made her blind towards him and his intentions.

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