6.- Their common life

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When all the guests had left, Feng Jiu sat on a coach to relax. She seemed to be very tired and, perhaps, unsafe. Standing before her, he was looking at her very intensively and silently.

DH: Are you afraid of me?

FJ: I don't know... (she looked at him very hesitatingly).

DH: Mmm... but don't be afraid. I am not a danger for you. And in this palace you are free to behave as you like. I don't want only to keep my promise to you, but I really dislike all these formalities, except for the necessary ones... Ah, do you want to play Go with me now?

FJ: Go? It will be very boring for you, because you will surely win me. But for me there is no problem. I like making fun even with myself.

So, they played Go, she was not so bad, although she lost, finally. But, forgetting her fears about their marriage, she was giggling and laughing when she saw her mistakes, and very happy when she made a good move. Dong Hua had never played such a go. Surely, it was better than playing with Lian Song. It was not a game but an entertainment.

DH (smiling): Are you sorry you lost?

FJ: Why should I? I would find it more satisfying if I had won, but the fun is the same.

DH: Oh... how are you with Cheng Yu during her visits in your homeland?

FJ: Mmm... It is very nice. Nobody sees us. When we are among others, we hide our identities under silk head-covers and visit the big market of Qing Qiu to buy desserts and eat so much... up to where it doesn't take. She finds it very entertaining.

DH: Do you also climb on the trees? (he smiled teasingly).

FJ: Dong Hua!... Don't be unreasonable. You still remember that incident. I can't understand why you were so angry. You were always very indifferent, then how did you get angry because of such a simple thing, which had nothing to do with you? Mmm...?

DH: I was already angry, before I see you on the tree.

FJ: Oh...! But this had nothing to do with me and Ali. You destroyed a little our fun.

DH: The things are not always as they appear to be. What will you do tomorrow?

FJ: I will try to relax, because I feel exhausted. Then I will, perhaps, cook in the kitchen some desserts. If I am in a good mood I will give you some, or else, I will eat all of them with Cheng Yu.

So, their common life began. Feng Jiu was a very cheerful and vivid person. The palace was full of her, although she had changed almost nothing in it. Even Lian Song and Siming felt the difference. Once, Dong Hua found her in the garden of Taichen Palace, sleeping under a big tree, without any precautions. Why did she sleep there? Dijun was surprised, but also happy. That's, obviously, why her first husband was so pleased with her. He approached and sat down silently. He remained there without moving. When she woke up and saw him, she only looked at him wondering about his mood and, then, turned to the other side to continue her sleep. He was smiling. He was sitting there and, now and again, was giving looks at her. Nobody in the palace felt depressed of her presence. She had free manners and did not care about the formalities. Some times, when he was absent for long and returned late to his palace, she asked him if something bad had happened. He always knew that she was an affectionate person towards everybody, but he would like her to be like this especially to him.

Gradually, he got used to this kind of life so much, that he could not imagine another one. How could he have imagined that his love for her would disappear because of the Destiny Stone or because of a decision?

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