13.- Refusing to divorce - Turmoil in heart

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There were a few cases more and then she was free. She didn't want to give him useless burdens.

FJ: But why did you come here? I am no more ill, don't worry.

DH: Can I not visit my wife?

FJ: Wife?... You married me only for an alliance... I am not a real wife for you to have such personal concerns... Why do you complicate the things?

DH: I like complications, that's all. Besides, you forgot that you also treat me like your husband. You cook for me, you ask me how I am, you discuss with me. Mmm...?

She sighed.

FJ: Yes, you are right. I say nonsense... I had forgotten it. It is only that you exaggerate your concern for me. It is unreasonable. It is that I fear I am a burden for you, this makes me feel uncomfortably and I react like this. This is the truth... if you want to know!

He smiled and touched her hair.

DH: You are not a burden or, at least, you are a nice burden and I am quite reasonable, it's only you who cannot understand.

FJ: Oh...?

He took her hand and led her to the fox den.

DH: I will choose one of the rooms to stay.

FJ: Will you stay here, with me?

DH: I want to stay with my wife.

FJ: But, perhaps, we will divorce in the future.

He shrugged.

DH: I don't desire a divorce. I have already told you I am quite happy and satisfied with our marriage. It has many advantages... I would say that the alliance is the tiniest one, if it is any.

FJ: Advantages? Tiniest? Are you kidding?

DH: No, I am not kidding. See... With you by my side, I don't have to face many marriage proposals for political alliances. You are not flattering me like the other women to make me feel disgust. Your voice is not unbearably sweet and your eyes fixed on the floor to show obedience. You don't make me bore to death with any show of your capability in music and drawing. You are very beautiful. You know about war and weapons although you are delicate and attractive... Oh... yes... you like climbing on the trees, a very unusual habit... You threatened to kick me, also an unusual one, and, so, if I decide... to love someone, you should be the best choice, indeed!

FJ: "..."

She was staring at him, unable to believe what he was talking about. She looked confused. Dijun seemed to be casual and nothing else. Anyway, he was well known for his unusual jokes.

A rejected marriage proposal

Feng Jiu was walking in the hall of Taichen Palace. Suddenly, she heard Dong Hua's cold voice, at high tone, from his study.

DH: King Zhen of the East Sea Kingdom, you mean that you offer me your daughter as a second wife?

King: Yes, Dijun. We can make alliance in this way.

DH: I don't need a second wife, the one I have is more than enough for me.

King: But gods' habits allow you a second wife.

DH: I have my own habits.

King: If you divorce your wife, then you can marry my daughter as the only one.

Dong Hua's voice became deadly cold.

DH: I have no intention to divorce my wife, ever.

King: But it is said that you married her to make a marriage alliance, only to face present difficult circumstances. You can do the same with my daughter after...

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