17.- Feng Jiu's son and the final schedules for the battle in the Forbidden Land

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After some weeks, her son visited them in Taichen Palace. Feng Jiu and Wei hugged each other very tightly and were laughing of happiness. He was a tall, handsome and strong young boy.

Wei: Mother, I miss you very much.

FJ: No, I miss you more.

Wei: How do you know it? (he teased her).

Then they headed to the Hall. Dong Hua's first impression was a very good one. This boy might have a very good and strong character and Dong Hua felt a strange familiarity with him. He would like to have such a son. Wei bowed before him and greeted him properly. Then he looked at Dijun openly, trying to understand his character. The warriors were usually straightforward. Dong Hua hid his smile.

The next day, when Feng Jiu was in the garden with Cheng Yu, Wei approached Dong Hua and asked for a private conversation.

DH: Oh!

They headed to the study and closed the door.

Wei: Dijun, I don't want mother to listen.

Dong Hua nodded and took magical precautions for privacy.

Wei: You know, my father during his last days put on my shoulders a heavy task: to protect my mother and, when I grow up enough, to find for her a good, loving and with strong character man to marry her. He told me that she is a very loyal woman and she could submerge herself in memories and devotion. But before I grow up, she got married with you for an alliance. Do you love her or she will bury herself in this marriage?

Dong Hua could not believe that such a young boy was so mature and responsible.

DH: What would you do, if I didn't love her?

Wei: I would try to take her away from you. Although, I must confess, I like you and I feel with you almost as I felt with my father. But my mother's happiness is a different thing.

DH: Mmm... Well, the reality is that I love her.

Wei: Then I am relieved. I had many doubts about her happiness because I knew that you were her first and great love, but in the past you had rejected her...

Dong Hua was caught by a big surprise at that statement and at the boy's bold manner. He frowned. How could such a thing affect the boy's life and faith in his parents? He looked at the boy worrying.

DH: Who told you such a thing?

Wei shrugged, as if this was natural, without any precaution.

Wei: My father! He had learned it from my mother herself before their marriage. But finally they really loved each other. I suppose that I have been the happiest child in the whole kingdom.

Dong Hua was astonished by Feng Jiu's truthfulness and her first husband's integrity. This integrity was really rare and could explain why Feng Jiu was so devoted to King Meng and did not want him to be considered only an accidental presence in her life. She would never humiliate the memory οf him and their common life in such a way, although she loved deeply her first and great love, Dong Hua Dijun. His wife had really a big heart and could fight not only with her sword but also in herself for justness and compassion.

DH: Wei, our decisions are not always free, often the responsibilities make us to sacrifice our personal lives. But you must know that your father will keep always a place in her heart, although now she loves me. If she didn't love me, she could not be happy, could she?

The boy nodded, understanding that the truth was not so obvious as it seemed to be.

Wei: Then, I have to speak about the second problem. Recently, I felt a bad spirit in her room in our palace, which wanted to kill her. I don't know why. I suppose that it has to do with the Forbidden Land.

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