2 The return

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2.- The return

Feng Jiu, 15 thousand years after her disappearance, returned to Qing Qiu. Accidentally, at her arrival, they were all gathered in the fox den, even Zhe Yan was there. When they saw her before them, they were taken by such a suprise that they could not speak at all for some time. Then, they hugged her and began speaking. She explained to them what she had done all these years, her cultivation, her travels, her marriage in the Last Kingdom with the king and her husband's death. They also learned that she had a son who remained in the Last Kingdom with his grandparents to be prepared for the throne.

Bai Qian: Jiu, you are always very beautiful, I would say that, now, you are more beautiful than before. Your husband must have been very good to you.

FJ: Yes, he was very good to me.

Tears emerged in her eyes. After the personal matters they began discussing about their fox clan.

Bai Zhen: Feng Jiu, although it is very early, I would ask you if you have the intention to be enthroned as the Queen of Qing Qiu. It would be a great relief for everybody here. But we'll not insist, because you have also obligations in another land.

FJ: The only obligations I have are personal matters and not matters of state. I have my parents-in-law and my son. These are my own obligations and nothing else. Since my husband died, I have nothing left there, except for them. However, it is too early to discuss about it. I would prefer to be free, but I know that we can't do always what we like. We'll see.

She began living again in her home land. The news of her reappearance and her husband's death were very quickly dispersed in all the lands and, of course, in the Sky Kingdom.


Taichen Palace

Lian Song entered Taichen Palace, being very excited.

Dong Hua stared at him wondering.

DH: What's wrong with you?

LS: Dijun, I have very interesting news... Mmm... Bai Feng Jiu has reappeared and lives now in Qing Qiu. We are informed that King Meng of the Last Kingdom, who died before 3 thousand years, was her husband. I didn't know it. Now that her son does not need her so much, she left him in the hands of her parents in law and returned to her homeland. She has not yet decided if she will accept the throne of Qing Qiu.

Dong Hua would like to pretend boredom and indifference, but after so many years of loneliness and loss, he could not do it. He felt that the distance between them was now smaller. Would he meet her one day in the future? She had once promised him that he would never see her again. She kept her promise, persistently indeed... unusual for a woman. But life had decided in a different way. If she becomes queen, they will meet again, inevitably, although from afar like strangers. But even this might be better than nothing.

DH: Finally, life is unforeseen.

Lian Song tried to understand his feelings and thoughts. Something was stirring, but it was not clear enough. This man was unbearably still and unreadable.

LS: You know, with her return, I feel something strange. As if life becomes more lively... Perhaps, because she has such a nature. Cheng Yu makes already schedules to meet her and continue their past friendship... Bai Qian said that she invited her in the Sky Kingdom, but she refused to come. I find it strange. Why not?

Dong Hua knew very well what her refusal meant. She didn't want to meet him again. This woman was, finally, so stubborn as he was. Not less, at all.

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