14.- Emerging feelings

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Dong Hua is discussing with Lian Song about the sea kingdoms and especially about the East one.

DH: This king is very corrupted and wanted to give me his daughter as second wife. I would refuse to accept any proposal no matter what, but this man has bad schedules. What have you learned about him and his connections?

LS: I have already investigated the situation. He co-works with the East Distant Kingdom, I would say that his wife is not the only problem of his, but he himself. The citizens hate him. One of his sons is reasonable and the citizens love him because of his good nature. This son has alienated thoroughly from his family. We could cause a change in this kingdom, helping this prince to take the throne and free the kingdom of the tyranny and injustice. What do you say? The only other way I can see is to cause a war between this kingdom and the neighboring one, because there are problems between them.

DH: Alright. The change is better. We can't afford a war, it will cost many lives and make the world unstable. Such lack of stability will increase the bad spirit's influence. We must avoid it as far as we can.

So, in the end, that bad king lost his throne and he with his wife and close relatives were exiled for their crimes. But Dong Hua, although a little relieved by that fact, did not change his decision for Feng Jiu not to go out of Taichen, because he was not sure enough that the danger had been thoroughly ended. Anyway, since Feng Jiu was bad spirit's target, she was target of its coworkers, too. Perhaps, it was now known to the spirit her exact position in the world.


The influence of the bad spirit was steadily increasing affecting all the world, causing conflicts and instability.

Feng Jiu's consciousness was badly affected, although she was often in seclusion to protect herself. Her feelings were very confused and could feel many dangers approaching. One day, she entered Dong Hua's study and headed to him hurriedly.

FJ: Dong Hua!

He turned and saw her sitting on a chair demanding his attention without the precautions and womanly manners. Fortunately!

DH: What's wrong? Have you a stomach pain of the great amount of desserts you ate yesterday with Cheng Yu?

FJ: No! It is not this. I feel that there are everywhere dangers and that you must be extremely careful... Here! (She stretched her hand, holding something). Take this. It is a magical token, which was given to me as a gift by my teacher in martial arts. If you are in danger, you can call me and I will come immediately for rescue.

DH (surprised): Oh...?! Do you give me something so special? Why?

He was very happy, but he wanted her to express herself.

FJ: What do you mean with "why"? Is it strange? Who will come to save you? Everybody seeks protection from you, but nobody offers you one. Well... when you touch the token uttering a very simple but unique spell, I will feel it at once. But you can't call anybody else, because it is mine.

DH: You... whom can you call, if in danger?

FJ: Only my husband.

DH: And what if there is no husband?

FJ: Nobody.

He looked at her not knowing what to do. He had never difficulties with the necessary words or action, but in this situation he didn't know which one was the better option.

DH: Perhaps, it is better for you to keep it. It will be more useful, because of your problems... although your offer is very precious for me...

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