12.- Seclusion - A capable queen

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Dong Hua, after his meeting with Canghi, visited Zhe Yan and explained to him the whole situation in the Forbidden Land and Feng Jiu's worsening health problems. Zhe Yan confirmed that something bad had hit her. And he was informed about the schedules against the bad spirit.

ZY: What will you do to stabilize your marriage with her? She has lived away from you for too long and now she is alienated.

DH: I take all the necessary measures and, anyway, we need time to get used to the new situation.

ZY: Need time? Mm... You or she?

DH: "..."

Zhe Yan smiled secretly, because he understood quite well that Dong Hua had feelings for her even before their marriage. That it was not only his concern to stabilize a mere typical marriage.

ZY: What will you do, if she is gradually healthier and returns to Qing Qiu? And what if she wants to fight against that bad spirit? Don't forget that she is matured and strong enough to challenge even strong men.

DH: I'll go to Qing Qiu. But she will not do it for a long time, because she is very responsible and loyal. For the bad spirit I'll try to keep her at a distance... Zhe Yan, our discussion must be kept secret from everybody. This bad spirit has the ability to scheme and to think. I wait for your proposals. We'll meet, soon, with Lian Song together.


Feng Jiu remained in her room for seclusion. She remained there for many days. She felt regaining her powers and her integration. Dong Hua entered the room daily, not only once, concerned for her needs. Something was stirring in her, the living remembrance of that previous love of hers for Dong Hua, strange emotions, which were hidden under the frozen time of the past. Also, her desperate wandering all over the world to forget him and her deep pain. Why did these damned memories emerge again, as if they were still alive? One day, she suddenly felt a pain in her heart. Why? Dong Hua found her paining.

DH: What's the matter? Is there any problem?

FJ: I regain my power, but suddenly I had a pain in my heart.

DH: Did you remember anything of the past?

FJ: How do you know? (she was surprised).

DH: I understand the situation. The seclusion brings you back your power, but also revives you in every aspect. Never mind. Now, take this medicine from Zhe Yan. He will visit us tomorrow.

Dong Hua was very experienced in all these aspects and knew well what seclusion would bring to her. But in this occasion he was very anxious only to see her healthy again, not to remind her that old love of hers.

One month passed in this way. She was quite well now. She was going here and there in the palace, alone or with Cheng Yu, and was free of her obligations as queen. She was very often discussing with Dong Hua and played Go with him, very casually and cheerfully. After she had felt again those old feelings emerging, although suddenly and not steadily, a strange connection had been created between that distant past and the present time. The present, that is her marriage with Dong Hua, was no more such a big and inconvenient surprise invading in her life, but something more ordinary and natural. But, on the other hand, these memories caused her fear of the future, because, anyway, that love was forbidden, it was a mistake! She didn't want to feel such a futile love even in the marriage. Love should be mutual, with a real mate, and not only a convention. Something like this would hurt her deeply again.

She noticed that Dong Hua and Lian Song seemed to be busy, very busy indeed. They often were closed in the study discussing for long. But Dong Hua was very open with her during the rest day and, as the matter of fact, very affectionate despite his strict and distant character.

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