missing♡chapter 13♡

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Dont worry guys, were almost to the chapter where bakugou starts gaining his feelings for you.♥☺

Short Chapter btw🥺

"wake up!" I shouted.

My little brother Jolted up from the noise. Today was friday, mom and dad had to go to work early, meaning i had to wake up my little siblings again.

"ugh, [name]" sora wined.

"come on, your the last one who needs to wake up, you only have 30 more minutes to get ready" I imformed him.

sora wined again. I looked at him with a serious expression. I had Already gotten myself ready, all that was left was to get my siblings ready. Unfortunately, sora went back to sleep while my other siblings started getting dressed.

"hurry up sora, theres pancake's downstairs" I sighed.

as soon as i said that, sora jumped off of his bed and flew downstairs. by flew, i meant it as in he took one leap over the stairs before landing at the bottom step. Im surprised he didnt break his legs.

"hey! be carefull!!" i yelled at him as he slipped but quickly caught his balance.

●●●●●●●●●●●time skip●●●●●●●●●●

"Hey baku!" I called.

he turned around with a frown on his face. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and his pants fell down as always. There was a belt for a reason, but at least his school jacket was covering his butt. surprised iida hasn't yelled at him for the pants though?

"hey, you should really lift up your pants, theres a belt for a reason" i gave him a doubtful look, pointing at the sagging pants.

"shut up" he scoffed.

"what do you know about clothes?" he turned around.

"well, for one. I know how a belt works" i looked at his back with a sly smile.

An irk mark grew on his head. I walked up to his side and wrapped my tail around his leg. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a serious look.

"but no really. Pull your pants up" i said.

"dont tell me what to do!" he shouted.

●●●●●●●● le another time skip●●●●●

"hello fellow baku-squad!" mina cheerfully approached us.

"hey mina" i said.

"you look happy" mina grined.

I closed my eyes and stood taller with a winning smile on my face. I could feel sparkes around me as i did that.

"well mina, thats because i finally got baku over here to pull up his pants" i said matter-of-factly, tilting my head from side to side in a happy mood.

mina turned her head to look at bakugou. He did in fact lift up his pants.

"wow bakugou! You look better like that! And taller to!" mina Gasped.

"shut up!" bakugou shouted at her.

Me just chuckled while i unwrapped my tail from bakugou's thigh. i walked over to bakugou's desk and sat on top of it, crossing my leg over the other. Doing that was kinda weird and uncomfortable, but i did it anyways.

From the corner of my eye, i can see Midoriya staring at me. So i turned my head to look at him with both my eyebrows raised. He was looking at me as if trying to figure something out, but once i looked at him, he quickly turned away.

(OLD)My wolf (bakugou x Fem Wolf reader)Where stories live. Discover now