Baku-squad ♡Chapter 12♡

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Happy new years! Hope 2021 is better♥

I picked up my backpack as i headed towards the door. Yesterday was Thursday, and we had the day off to recover from the usj attack. Today was friday, and we now had to go back to school.

I stepped out of the train as i walked side by side with katsuki. Like always, my tail wrapped around his leg.

We made it into our class and i removed my tail from his leg. I started to walk towards a different desk instead of mine as katsuki sat at his own.

my walking holted to a stop as i stood infront of the desk that belonged to non-other then then Blondie with the black lighting streak.

i remembered kirishima calling him kaminari. Once i stared directly at the blonde known as kaminari, my face looked like a glare, when in reality, i felt as if i was staring at him with a normal expression.

kaminari looked at me with a worried expression. Thats when the class started to quiet down and stare at us. I looked down to the hand where i had bitten him, it seemed fine and healed. Recovery girls work.

"I... im sorry" I said, my face starting to turning uncomfortable as i sweat dropped. I didnt like apologizing all that much. The class looked at me shocked.

I took a small breath though my nose and sighed. "im sorry for biting you During the bus ride. I got mad and lost my temper. If you let me, i wanna make up for it" i said at last, adding a bow at the end.

The class seemed to calm down and relax a little. "i heard you like hamburgers, so if you want we can go to a burger place and ill pay for the food, I'd like to make friends with you" i said standing back up.

He started to think about it before opening his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

I decided to give him a smile, it was a hesitant and slow small smile, but i tried my best. I was only used to giving bakugou and my family smile's. But at last, kaminari seemed to like it, and smiled back. He agreed to meeting up after school, and i let out a breath of relief before saying a small thank you and heading back to my desk.

Apologizing to a classmate is like Apologizing to a sibling, even worse if its a younger sibling. Its just wierd and theres more ways to do it, but i didnt know kaminari that well so this is the only way it'd be ok.

As if on cue, Mr. aizawa appeared. Only, he was wrapped up in bandage's all over his body, only exposing his eyes and mouth. everyone Gasp's at his appearance.

"m-mr. Aizawa! Should'nt you be resting!" the blue haired class rep stood up and shouted worriedly.

"I'll be fine" mr. Aizawa replied monotone. "woah, what'd pro" kaminari blurted surprised yet amazed.

"im here to imform you about the usj" Mr. aizawa said sternly. "its over, no more villains right?" one of the girls asked. Mr. Aizawa looked us all dead in the eyes. "your fights not over" Mr. aizawa said causing everyone to tense up.

"the u.a sport's festival is coming up in two weeks" Mr. aizawa confirmed monotone. everyone relaxed slightly and let out sigh's. "but wait. Is it really a good idea to host the sports festival so soon after the villain attack?" kaminari asked.

"this is the schools way of showing nothing could stop us and that were still going strong" mr. Aizawa explained. everyone nodded their heads. "no matter what happens, we'll continue to fight" Mr. Aizawa said. everyone knew what he was gonna say next.

"plus" Mr. aizawa started.

"ultra!" everyone but me shouted.

Instead, i just lowered my ears and covered them as in intempt of not having my ear drums bursted of all the yelling. They were like little bakugou's All in one room.

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