usj♡part 1♡chapter 9

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So i know a lot of people don't really like the idea of the personality being a simp, but that's why I've been trying to get you guys to understand that (Y/n) okami is trying to become less clingy and less protective.

Dont worry, I'll still try harder to do my best and make reader less of a simp even if most of yall reading this are already simps for him🥺

Also, I still need help deciding hero names. Just not Wolfie, or wolverine pls🙏😌

We got off the bus and headed into the facility. While walking, I kept looking down to my tail wrapped around katsuki's leg. I'm I being to clingy? I've done this for years, and years, and he's used to it, but the only reason why he's used to it is because I kept forcing him to get used to it as a child.

I took in a deep breath, and unwrapped my tail from his leg. He looked down feeling my tail leaving his leg, then looked up to see me facing forward with a serious expression.

"Hey" he called. I didn't look at him, only hummed to show I was listening. "What's wrong?" He asked. I still didn't look at him. "Nothing, why?" I replied.

"Tch, you never detach your tail from my leg unless you need too, and when your stressed or mad, you tighten your tail" he stated.

"Exactly, but you don't know what it means if I detach my tail without reason" I commented.

"That's why I'm asking what's wrong, the old you would've teased me for being concerned and paying attention to the little things you did" he said glaring.

This time I turned to look at him as we kept walking closer to the facility. "Well then I guess, their's a new me, old me was getting clingy" I smiled at him.

He looked at me confused. "Clingy? Is that what's it?" He asked. "weren't you always complaining about me being to clingy, or always teasing you?" I stated. He scoffed, "so, I still hung out with you didn't I?"

I looked at him with raised eyebrows, then looking back forward with furrowed eyebrows. "Not all of it is for you, I'm also doing it to better myself. so I wont always be, as you put, "annoying." I said before walking faster ahead of him.

We got inside the facility, and met with the space hero, thirteen. I could hear midoriya talking about thirteen from where I was at. I could tell hes really into hero's. He always mentioned them the few times we as kids. I looked back to see mr. aizawa talking until the lights started flickering on and off.

Out of nowhere, a purple type of portals appeared at the center of the facility. "Whoah, is that part of the training?" Kirishima asked.

We saw something that looked like a hand come out of the portal. That's when the portal opened up more to reveal a strange man with light blue hair and covered with hands all over his body and face. Creepy.

More villains started to appear as we walked closer to get a better view, but mr. aizawa put his hand in front of us.

"Stay back! Those are real villains!" Mr. aizawa shouted. He grabbed his scarf and actived his quirk.

He flew down the stairs after saying something to midoriya. He fought against multiple villains as thirteen told us to run towards the exit. While running, before we could get there, the purple fog portal appeared in front of us.

"Why hello, so sorry to burge in here like this" the fog spoke. He put his foggy arms out to show nothing in his hands. He spoke more and more, but I kept getting angrier the more he spoke, so I tuned his voice out.

Eventually, I pounced on him right before thirteen used their quirk. My first was clenched as I gritted my teeth. Turns out, bakugou and the spiky red head had also jumped at him as well.

We all tried to punch him, but his body hadn't let us. We went right through him. Thirteen yelled at us to get out of the way, but before we could, the same purple fog wrapped around everyone. I closed my eyes and mouth while putting my arms in front of me.

I opened my eyes to see I was teleported somewhere else in the facility. I was falling down from the sky not to far from the ground. I put down my arms and searched for ways I could land safely, and quickly.

I furrowed my eye brows as I fell closer to the ground near a two story fallen apart building. Luckily, near the second floor, there was a window, and pipe sticking out from the wall.

I quickly wrapped my tail around the metal pipe before I missed it. I put my legs over the bar, and used my body strength to pull myself up, grabbed onto the pipe. I lifted myself up so that I would be sitting on the metal bar, and looked at the opened window nearby.

I pushed myself forward, and grabbed onto the wall of the windows surface. I pulled myself up using my upper body strength and climbed into the window of the room. Once inside, I dusted myself off, and looked around the room.

I spotted the set of stairs down the building and made my way towards it. However, before I could, I smelled unfamiliar scents around the room. must be villains. I got into a fighting stance and yelled for them to come out.

Three villains came out from behind some dusty boxes and crates. I smirked at them as I growled, showing off my fangs. "Let's dance" I said as they ran towards me, all at once.





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