Hang out♡chapter 14♡

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No picture today🤺

I accidentally woke up before my alarm clock today. I hated when this happened. I could never go back to sleep after that, so i just got out of bed and did my usual morning routine, eventually putting on my school uniform. I walked over to the kitchen and wrote a note saying i was going to school early today, before sticking the note onto the fridge. I grabbed my school bag and left out the door without eating snice there was breakfast at school.

I walked through the neighborhood making my way towards katsuki's house. After about two minutes, i finally got to his house, opening the gate door then walking to ring the door bell. I waited for a while before i pushed the doorbell again. Then again, and right before i was able to push it again, the door swung open, revealing an angry katsuki. As i stared at him, i rang the door bell again to piss him off with a goofy expression.

"oi, quit that!" he shouted, swatting my hand away the bell.

"well excuse me for being nice, i could've barged in if i wanted to" i acted offended.

An irk mark grew on his head. I smiled at him, waving my hand around as my other rested on my cheek. A happy and teasing look on my face as i spoke.

"oh come on, dont be like that, you know im your one and only best buddy" i said, clearly Annoying him.

Before he could scream or shout, or even say anything, i cut him off.

"hey, why aren't you wearing your school uniform?" i asked, my mood completely different then from before.

"huh" he looked down at my outfit.

He started to laugh out loud, covering his mouth as fake tears made its way down his face. Now it was my turn to grow an irk mark on my head.

"what're you laughing at!?" i shouted.

"its, pfft, hahaha, satu-hahaha, Saturday!" he laughed out.

I thought about it for awhile, completely frozen after hearing his words.


"what the!" i shouted with a confused yet mad look, only making his laughter grow more.

I shoved the laughing hyena out of the way, walking inside his house. Him being to focused on laughing, just kept on doing that as i stomped though his living room, though his kitchen, Sitting down on a chair as i bumped my head against the table, thinking how stupid i was.

Eventually his laughter died down, letting himself relax as he closed the front down and walked over to me, a teasing smirk on his face.

"how the hell did you forget it was Saturday? Its the only day you look forward too" he chuckled.

I lifted my head from the table, turning to face him as small fake anime tears ran down my face.

"i dont know" i cried.

"eeeee" i let out a wierd whine.

"i forgot Yesterday was friday and i put on an alarm for today" i explained.

"i didnt even eat breakfast this morning, could you serve me some creal please" i cried begging.

He scoffed, turning to walk towards his cabinets.

"im only doing this out of pity" he said.

My anime tears quickly left as my mood changed, making me jump out of my seat and shout in happiness. I did a little dance as i sang a little happy song i heard once.

"oi, dont get too happy, and keep it down, the old hag will get mad at me if she woke up" bakugou said, pouring some creal into a bowl.

I froze, giving him that anime look with black dots as eyes and a smile line for lips, making sure to quickly sit down back in my seat.

(OLD)My wolf (bakugou x Fem Wolf reader)Where stories live. Discover now