memories~♡chapter 4!♡

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After months, Today was two days until the u.a exams and I was training my butt off and making my wolf bite stronger. Over the months that katsuki haven't seen me, my body and quirk have become stronger.

(by 'body stronger', i mean it as you got stronger, not skinner, you can chose to lose wieght due to the months, but please do not hate your body.)

Edited: i am so sorry for what it said when i first posted this chapter. I realized it was super offense. I myself have a not so good body, but i still love myself, and i did not mean any offense, i just didnt realized how it sounded till months after. You guys are queens, love yourselfs.♥

I have also gotten taller now and my tail has grown longer and fluffier. I've trained it to become strong enough to squeeze things and hang off of branches or things like a bat would.

I was training hand to hand combat with a cousin of mine and I kept using my tail to distract, block, wrap around their legs to knock them off their balance, and of course attack by hitting them on the side of their stomach.

"Ok, w-win" he said as he tried to keep catching his breath. I watched as he had his hands on his knees wheezing for breath as i stood there with my hands on my hips and catching my breath calmly.

I was wearing black and white sweatpants with a gray and white training bra and black combat gloves. "Ok, fine, water break" I said sighing. "Thank you" he said breathing heavily. After the water break we were off to train again.

We ran towards each other but when we were close to each other, I slid under his legs and that caught him off guard so I jumped onto his back, pushing him to the ground as I held both his wrists to make sure he couldn't get up. "Again!" I yelled. I got off of him and we got into our fighting positions. I aimed for a side kick but he caught my leg, so I used the distraction to aim for a punch but he caught it.

(He was pretty good at hand to hand combat so that's why I asked him to train me in combat and he agreed)

He had my hand and leg caught meaning that both his hands were in use, so I used my other hand to try and punch him, but he let go of my leg and blocked the attack. He forcefully made both my arms bend down along with my body and kicked me in the stomach with his knee. I grabbed his neck and pulled him down with enough force to make him drop to the ground.

He got up again and aimed for a punch but I grabbed his arm and used it as way to kick his stomach. He tried to punch me but I dodged and used my tail to rub the dirt so that dust was everywhere. He coughed and closed his eyes, once he opened them again he couldn't see me. I jumped up from behide him and knocked him to the ground.

After training for what seemed like 3 hours in a forest, we finally went home our separate ways to our own house's. Once I got home I took a nice shower and changed into shorts, along with a t-shirt. I ate dinner and decided to study before going to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up at 9:00 and ate my breakfast then did my usual morning routine. Brushing teeth, brushing hair, brushing tail, etc.

I got changed into some blue Jean's along with a white short sleeve shirt and [favorite color] jacket. I got my house keys and small purse with my money in it and started heading to the door. "Wait? Sweetheart your not going to train today?" My mom said peeking her head out of the hallway. "No, the u.a exams are tomorrow and I dont want my bones and muscles to be sore tomorrow so I'm gonna relax today, I'll be back at around 2:30 that's about 4 hours away" I said with a blank face and monotone voice.

"Ok then, run along" she said with a smile and I was off. I needed to buy some more bandage's for my clumsy little 8 year old brother and my two 5 year old twin sisters snice their always fighting random people at their school. I also needed to get some groceries and more clothing along with some ice cream and pick up the cake for my dad snice today was his birthday.

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