protect!!♡~chapter 3~♡

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It was a peaceful day out in the woods with the sun shining and the breeze making the leaves on the trees slightly sway from side to side as you walked through the forest. Everything was so calm and peaceful until.


your alarm clock rang awakening you from your slumber. You grumbled as you sat up to stretch and yawn. You did your normal morning routine like washing your face and brushing your teeth and fangs then brushing your hair and tail.

You put on your school uniform then deodorant, and a bit of perfume. You walked to katsuki's house since you guys lived in the same neighborhood. You knocked on the door and it soon opened showing an angry bakugou.

"Why are you here every morning?" He asked annoyed. You just rolled your eyes and grabbed his arm to start walking to school.

(Reminder: your still in middle school. Not in u.a, yet!🤨🙂)

As you started walking, you let go of his arm as he shoved his hands in his pockets while you kept your hands at your side's. After that, you wrapped your tail around his leg, which was a habit you've had since 1st grade. At first he hated it but then got used to because everytime he refused to, you would growl at him.

You were walking to school side by side with you throwing some flirts along the way and him yelling at you activating his quirk while you growled. You guys went your separate ways to different classes when the bell rang. You were sitting in class bored waiting for lunch which seemed so far away until the bell finally rang and your mood went up.

You were getting your lunch with a big grin and tail wagging because you were starving since you didn't eat breakfast. You should've listened to katsuki when he said to eat Breakfast but you didn't. You finally got your lunch and sat down at a table with bakugou and his friends along with two of your friends. You were happily eating your fish until someone spoke up.

"Hey (y/n) what's your favorite thing about your quirk?" One of katsuki's friends said. "Hmm, I guess it would be my fangs, I like to scare people with them" you said with a smile. "Look, imagine this is your bone" you said while holding up one of the fishes bones. You took a bite out of it breaking the bones easily as the boy stood quietly and with an uncomfortable expression.

"Were still not on first name basis ok?" You said with a rather harsh but playfully tone. He was sitting across from katsuki and you were sitting next to katsuki on his left side. Katsuki never minded how you ate the bones since he knew it was your quirk and because he'd known you since forever so he got used to it and never said anything about it.

Lunch was over and you headed back to your class bored out of your mind. The teacher was giving out paperwork for what we want to be when we grow up. I was still thinking about being a doctor or a marine with the quirk I had.

Eventually, you would have to make up your mind and choose, but for now you were lost in thought. You knew katsuki wanted to go to u.a but you didn't really care about being a hero all to much.

Finally school was done and you were walking home with katsuki, your phone vibrated so you picked it up. It was a text message from your dad. He texted you that your mom wanted you to hurry and visit her in the hospital because she was bored and wanted company. "Gotta go, mom wants company at the hospital" you sighed before walking away, waving to katsuki.

You looked back to see that he was walking back to his class, must've forgotten something.

You didn't know he was really only going back to 'talk' with his 'childhood friend.' You still hadn't really known who izuku midoriya was and his past with bakugou.

(OLD)My wolf (bakugou x Fem Wolf reader)Where stories live. Discover now