96|Real Life

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"How are you feeling?" Chris said getting into the bed beside Alaia.

She turned around facing him placing her hand in his hair, she slowly began playing with it stroking it through her fingers.

"I'm feeling great, you?"

"Nervous, but great."

They were less than 48 hours away from their wedding, everything was planned perfectly the way the pair wanted it. It had taken a lot of work for Alaia to everything the way she wanted it but in the end it all worked out. She chuckled to herself slightly remembering the high tensions of trying to plan such a wedding.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked turning around properly facing her.

"I was just remembering how crazy the whole wedding planning was, the running around getting the flowers we wanted and the venue we loved."

"I dealt with the venue, trust me it wasn't easy I mean I thought being Chris Evans would help the process." A huge smile grew on her lips as she playfully hit Chris' chest.

"You would think being Chris Evans would do something." She said.

"Either way we've got the wedding of our dreams planned." He took hold of her intertwining their fingers, he stroked the back of her hand slowly.

"Can you believe we've made it this far? We're getting married in two days." She added.

"I knew I'd marry you one day."

"I always imagined marrying you when we were first dating, I didn't actually think it would happen."

"Well here we are baby." He said tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear.

"I love you Chris, so much."

"I love you Alaia, more than you know."

"Alaia Evans has a nice ring to it." She said smirking, he smiled unable to take this eyes off the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Alaia Evans—" He leaned forward placing his lips of hers, "I like the sound of that."


a/n: i hope there's no mistakes, i didn't get
a chance to read over it :))

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