47|Real Life

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Everything had fallen into place now for Alaia, she had the man of her dreams by her side and a group of the best people she'd ever met with her. Words couldn't describe how Alaia was feeling right now, she'd never been this happy before. Every man she'd been with either did her wrong or they'd just lost that spark, but not with Chris.

He made her feel as though electricity was coursing through her every time they touched, or as if she was walking on air whenever they kissed. He was always so delicate with her, always taking his time and making sure he portrayed how much she means to him.

The group were all on a plane heading to England after wrapping up filming in Italy, the filming for the movie was almost at an end which meant Chris and Alaia wouldn't see each other everyday. None of them wanted to think about it, but wanted to savour every moment they had left together.

"Oh I spoke to my mom the other day." Alaia said turning towards Chris.

"Hm really? What did she say?"

"She's excited to meet you." A smile grew on his lips as she finished her sentence, "Really? That's great, I can't wait to meet your parents."

"We'll see them on friday for dinner after filming." She added, he nodded his head swiftly.

"Perfect." He leaned down placing a kiss on her lips, he sighed into the kiss. He could never get enough of kissing her, it was intoxicating.

"I'm warning you now my moms gonna ask you about a million questions, and well dad he'll probably ask what your intentions are with me."

"I'm prepared to answer anything she throws my way, don't stress it'll all go great." He picked up her hand beginning to play with her fingers, a habit he'd picked up whenever he started to feel anxious.

"You feeling okay?" She asked immediately as she noticed his habit.

"I'm fine baby, you know I don't like flying too much."

"That's okay, I'm right here by your side." She smiled widely at him to which he returned.

An alert from her phone caused her to pick it up looking at it, it was a notification from her calendar reminding her of an interview she had scheduled for tomorrow. She sighed having completely forgotten all about it, she peaked outside the window beginning to see the London skyline come into view.

She never really considered London a home to her despite her parents living there, she had grown up in New York with her grandparents and remained there her whole life. To her London was merely just her birthplace and that was it. She did enjoy exploring London, discovering new things every time she was there.

"Almost there." She smiled enjoying the view of London below her.


a/n: arent they just the cutest ahh, i also writing chapters like this cos i suck at them

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