33|Real Life

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Alaia was preparing herself to meet Sebastian at the diner he'd mentioned last night, today was his last day in Atlanta before heading back to New York. She was feeling low at the thought of her best friend leaving her already, they'd meet everyday after filming and go out and explore the city together. It was coming to an end, for now, she had to remind herself. It wasn't forever, she was going to see him again.

As she finished getting dressed, she grabbed her coat and purse leaving her house to meet Sebastian. It was getting colder in Atlanta as the weather was dropping almost everyday, she placed her hands in her pockets and began walking to the diner. It was short walk from her condo, and she enjoyed the peace as she walked alone.

Within fifteen minutes she reached the diner and walked in looking for Sebastian. When she found him sitting alone in a booth, she smiled making her way over to him. He got up and hugged her before they both sat down.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Freezing but yeah I'm okay, you?"

"I'm okay." He smiled widely at her, the waiter came over to their table and wrote down their orders before disappearing.

"Are you ever not going to order waffles for breakfast?"

"What is wrong with waffles? They are the best, you stick with your avocado whatever sandwich you ordered." She chuckled, he threw his hands in defence.

"Don't knock it till you try it."

"Shut up." She joked, Sebastian sat back eyeing the girl in front of him. The one he'd been in love with for almost four years, that seemed crazy.

Four years of being in love with the same person, four years of practically devoting yourself to the same person. He sighed slightly, which caused her to look up at.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah yeah, just thinking about how I'm leaving in less than-" He paused, raising his left wrist up, "Six hours."

"Don't remind me." She said hurrying her head in hands.

"How long until you finish filming?" He asked, at this point the waiter came back with their orders and set it in front of them.

"God Sebastian-" She sighed before picking up her fork, "We've still got to film in Italy, England and South Korea." His eyes widened slightly at what she'd said.

"What? How long are you gonna be gone?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure maybe two months?"

"After that we're back in Atlanta to wrap things up, then we can all go back home." She added, this was all bad news to Sebastian.

"I'm not leaving." He said.

"What?" She chuckled slightly before cutting a piece of her waffle.

"I'm staying in Atlanta until you leave to go film across the world."

"Sebastian no, you have to get back to New York anyways."

"Why? Do you not want me here?" He questioned, she placed her fork down looking up at him.

"Of course I want you here, but we're all going on vacation in two days and when we return it's straight off to Italy." Sebastian was taken aback slightly but tried to play it off, why hadn't she mentioned they were going on vacation?

"Why didn't you mention that?"

"I thought I did?" She questioned, no you didn't, he thought.

"You didn't-" He sighed lowly, "Where are you going then?"

"To the Bahamas, I'm so excited." She beamed picking her fork up again, she seemed really happy she was getting a break.

"Who's going?" He asked taking a sip of his coffee.

"Oh you know Robert, Anthony, Scarlett, Chris and myself." He cringed slightly at the mention of Chris' name, despite him being such a close friend it didn't sit right with him how close he was getting to Alaia.

"Oh I see, well I hope you have fun."

"I will! I really need a break you know?" He nodded his head agreeing with her.

They two of them finished their meals and sat together talking for seemed like hours until Sebastian noticed the time.

"I gotta get going in a bit." He said, Alaia frowned slightly at the fact her best friend was leaving.

"Im gonna miss you, but don't worry I will text you everyday." She said, he smiled in awe at her. This is it, he thought. It was the only chance he'd get, he'd come to Atlanta with the sole purpose of telling her how he feels yet backed down at every chance.

But not now. He was going to do it, he was going to finally tell her how he feels and he only prayed she'd feel the same.

He took her hand from across the table placing it in his, "Laya, I need to tell you something." He said, she noticed the sudden change in tone of his voice and sat up straight.

"Yeah of course go ahead." She smiled at him.

"We've known each other for five years now, it's been a long couple of years with you by me side." He started, he shuffled in his seat growing slightly nervous.

"It really has, but they've all be good years." She added.

"So, I-I just-God I can't get it out."

"Sebastian? What's wrong? You can tell me anything."

"I love you." He blurted out, "And I love you too." She added, he looked down at their intertwined hands.

"No Alaia, I'm in love with you." She looked taken aback, she let go of his hands pulling them back.

"What?" She could barely get out anything, she was shocked at what he'd just said.

"I'm in love with you Alaia." He repeated, Alaia had no idea what to say because the fact is that she didn't feel the same but she couldn't break that to him.

"Hey guys! I thought you'd left already?" A voice broke out behind them causing the pair to turn around.

Anthony and Chris walked over to the pair greeting them, Alaia quickly caught Chris' eyes he sent her a small smile which she returned.

"Shit, I really do need to leave." Sebastian said beginning to stand up from the table. He didn't want to leave but he also couldn't miss his flight, things would be left rather awkwardly between Alaia and him.

"Seb." She called out as he stood, he looked at her with a sweet smile playing on his lips, "Don't worry, we'll talk when I land okay?"

Alaia nodded her head and just like that Sebastian had left the diner leaving her with Chris and Anthony.

"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Anthony said, she looked at the pair forcing a smile.

"No no I'm okay, do you guys wanna sit down?" She asked, the pair sat down in front of her beginning to make conversation.

She could barely concentrate on whatever the two were chatting about, she simply sat there staring at the ground until Chris' voice broke her out of the trance.

"You sure you're okay?"

She looked up at him forcing another smile, "I'm okay."


a/n: this chapters kinda long but sebastian finally told her...and they just left it like that
what is gonna happen next?
enjoy this update!

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