59|Real Life

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"I'm so hungry!" Alaia exclaimed as they walked into the restaurant, it was a little over eight in the night and the couple were guided to their table by the waiter.

"Me too." Chris added as they sat down at the table, they sat down across from each other. Alaia picked up the menu scanning over it seeing what she wanted, Chris on the other hand avoided the menu and had his eyes stuck on his girlfriend.

After the conversation with her ex boyfriend, a small pit in his stomach began to grow. Of course he didn't believe what Daniel had to say, he couldn't believe it. What he was saying sounded absolutely crazy and Chris would be an idiot to believe him, after all her ex boyfriend has appeared out of nowhere so he couldn't be telling the truth. None of it made sense, his head was spiralling and he had to talk to his girlfriend about this. How would she react? he thought to himself, he sighed lowly and cleared his throat before beginning the conversation.

Before he could speak the waiter appeared once again taking their orders, Alaia quickly muttered she wanted a chicken dish and Chris ordered the same. As they handed the menus back, she pulled her arms onto the table coming face to face with her boyfriend.

"Everything okay?" She asked reaching out for his hand.

"Actually no, I mean yes but I want to talk to you about something." She sat back with worry crossing her face, what is going on? she thought to herself.

"Go ahead, what's wrong?"

"I received a message from a guy, Daniel Williams." Her eyes widened slightly at the mention of that name, her breath hitched in her throat. She froze slightly, what was her ex boyfriend doing messaging Chris? None of this makes sense.

"He messaged saying I should watch out because you cheated on him and he went on to say you hurt him and I should be careful." He sighed as the words left his mouth, it was evident how uncomfortable Alaia had gone in the span of a few minutes.

She didn't say anything for a while, she merely sat there staring at the man in front of her. Confusion, hurt and anger washed over her face as Chris finished telling her what her ex boyfriend had said. She released her hand from Chris' pulling it back onto her lap, he too was confused. He only wanted to know the truth, even though he knew Alaia is not the way her ex boyfriend portrayed her but what if it was true? A part of him, a small slither of him thought about the possibilities of it being true. He quickly grew to scold himself for even beginning to think that, Alaia would never and could never do that.

"It's not true, I never cheated he's the one who cheated on me." She broke the silence between the two of them.

A sense of relief washed over Chris as Alaia broke the silence between them, she looked up at him with tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. He quickly reached out for her hand again which she took without hesitation, he began rubbing her the back of her hand in a circular motion.

"He pretty much broke me, we were together for almost two years until I found out he was cheating on me-" She pauses for a second suddenly remembering all the memories coming back to her, "So I left him and he did everything to make my life a living hell making it public that I cheated and broke his heart."

In that moment Chris' heart broke for her, she absolutely did not deserve what her ex boyfriend had done to her. Whatever doubts he thought he had quickly left his mind seeing the vulnerable girl in front of him.

"Thankfully no one believed him because some pictures surfaced of him kissing some other woman, but I really loved him you know? So it took me a while to move past everything he did, and I'm finally doing great until you told me he messaged you."

"I'm so sorry that he did that to you, Alaia just know I would never ever cheat on you, I love you too much to even think of doing that." Both of them instantly froze as the words left Chris' lips, the couple hadn't told each they love each other yet and Chris had just nervously blurted it out.

"Well, I love you too." She spoke up shyly, and it was true. She loves him with everything she has in her, she hadn't felt like this in a long time and she was beginning to realise the love she had for Daniel was nowhere near what she feels for Chris.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I guess I was hellbent on forgetting it ever happened and honestly I had forgotten until you mentioned him."

"Well let's not dwell on it anymore, we're both here together and I love you okay?" Chris spoke hoping to rid this conversation from the atmosphere surrounding them, Alaia nodded her head with a smile growing on her lips.

"Let's celebrate! Let's order a bottle of champagne." She added, he nodded his head and motioned over a waiter to take the drink order.

"Let's do it."


a/n: sorry this update is trashhhh
sorry for the slow updates i'm updating on the ipad at the moment which
takes a while to write updates on
but enjoy this update :)

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