53|Real Life

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"Are you ready?" Chris asked sitting on the couples shared bed in the hotel they were currently residing in.

"Yeah, I just have to brush through my hair and we can go." Alaia said disappearing into the bathroom.

It was Friday which meant they were set to have dinner at Alaia's parents house, Alaia was bubbling with joy at the thought of seeing her parents again and Chris was growing nervous. He rubbed his nervously hands on his dark washed jeans, he was excited to meet her parents but at the same he couldn't help think what if they don't like him?

"Alright I'm ready, let's go?" Alaia stepped out of the bathroom looking breathtakingly gorgeous, Chris practically did a double take as he sat staring at his girlfriend.

"You look amazing." He commented, she smiled at him before placing a kiss on his cheek.

The couple quickly left their hotel room and got into the taxi waiting for them outside, as they sat beside each other in the taxi Chris kept looking over at her in complete awe. They'd been together for almost two months now, and he was certain he was absolutely in love with her. Of course he hadn't told her yet because frankly he was afraid she didn't feel the same yet, so he kept it in for now.

"I can't wait to see my parents again." She turned around facing Chris.

"How long has it been since you last saw them?" He asked, "I saw them a few months ago."

"It must be hard having them live here and you in New York?"

"Yeah it gets hard sometimes, especially when I'm feeling down and I just want my mom." He grabbed her hand taking hold of it in his own.

"We're almost there!" She beamed, Chris chuckled at his girlfriend's excitement.

As they reached her parents house they stepped out of the car taking it all in, for Alaia this was all familiar and she couldn't wait to run into her mothers arms. For Chris, he admired the house's decorations and how it was situated not far from the city. It was a quiet road, the couple began walking to the door hand in hand before Alaia knocked on the door.

"My baby!" Her mother opened the door instantly wrapping her arms around her daughter.

"Mom, this is Chris-my boyfriend." She said, Chris walked up to her mother as she wrapped her arms around him. He suddenly felt more at ease, her father quickly came into view.

"Is that my Alaia!" Her father shouted, she ran up to him hugging him tightly. Chris smiled widely seeing her around her family, it was amazing.

"Dad, this is Chris." She introduced her boyfriend to her father, Chris stepped into the house before taking his hand out.

Her father shook his hand tightly, "Welcome Chris! It's great to finally meet you."

Her parents led the couple through the house leading them into the dining room, the table was set and food already on it. Alaia sat down motioning for Chris to sit across from her, he took his place beside her father. His nerves started to bubble up again but having Alaia in front of him seemed to help calm him down.

"How is filming going for the new movie?" Her father asked Chris, "Really well actually, we're almost done shooting." Her mother began serving everyone their meals, her father nodded a smile growing on his face.

"We're really excited to watch it!" Her mother chimed, "You're gonna love it!" Alaia added.

"So how long have you two been together?" Her father asked.

"Almost two months sir." Chris answered, "Oh please call me Marcus." Chris nodded his head.

"Well, we're happy our little girl finally found someone." Her mother chimed in, Alaia chuckled slightly.

Everyone began eating their meals as Alaia's parents kept sharing stories of her childhood, she kept putting her head down embarrassed at all the stories her parents were shamelessly telling Chris.

"Okay okay I think Chris understands I was a weird child!"

"Oh please, I'm enjoying this!" He said, her father laughed and continued telling a story.

"Alaia come help me with dessert please?" Her mother asked, she nodded her head getting up following her to the kitchen.

Her mother opened the fridge grabbing the dessert out, "You seem really happy sweetie."

"Yeah, I am mom."

"Good, that's all I want for you-happiness." Her mother's face fell slightly, "I know how much your last relationship hurt you."

"Mom don't, I've worked so hard to forget him." She ran her hand through her hair growing stressed at the conversation.

"Have you heard from him at all?" Alaia looked up sighing, why was she even bringing this up?

"No mom, why are you bringing this up?"

"I just don't want you to give your all into this relationship and have it not work out."

"Chris isn't like him mom, he really cares about me and I care about him."

"Okay sweetheart, I'm sorry for bringing it up." Her mother smiled sweetly at her, she sighed before hugging her mother.

"Come on let's get back to them." She said picking up the dessert.


a/n: learning more about alaia's past!! which means drama is gonna go down :)

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