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emersonpetes: I miss my best friend :( and our crazy adventures tagged: alaiamatthews

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emersonpetes: I miss my best friend :( and our crazy adventures
tagged: alaiamatthews

LIKES : 137K | COMMENTS : 3,829

username: how is she so pretty omg

username2: best friendship honestly

alaiamatthews: miss you baby!!
emersonpetes: my baby :(

imsebastianstan: your best friend?? MY best friend actually

username3: jelly seb

emersonpetes: umm actually no?? MY best friend imsebastianstan
imsebastianstan: i've known her longer try me bitch
alaiamatthews: you two shut up, BOTH my best friends :)

username4: i never knew i needed jelly seb in my life

anthonymackie: now you know how i feel imsebastianstan
imsebastianstan: don't start you know i love you

chrisevans: what is going on in this picture??


emersonpetes: d-did captain america just c-comment on my post?¿??
chrisevans: yes.

username6: i just know emerson is screaming rn
alaiamatthews: were on ft, can 100% confirm she is screaming username6

emersonpetes: anyways, we were at some restaurant and she was a bit tipsy and decided she needed the heaters air on her chrisevans
chrisevans: why 😂😂
alaiamatthews: like she said, i was tipsy whoopsie
chrisevans: doesn't surprise me tbh

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