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incoming call from ALAIA

hey baby how's it

hey mom!
its going great right now,

ah you know, same old
same old here

how's dad?

he's doing okay honey,
we all miss you here

i miss you guys so much!

it's good to here your voice,
you haven't called in a while

sorry mom, i've been swamped
at work

how's that coming along?

really good mom, everyone is
so nice and the filming
process is going great!

ahh that's my girl!
that's so good to hear
i'm excited for the movie
to come out
it's all your dad talks about

i cant wait for you guys to
see it
it's amazing

that's great sweetie

oh um listen mom
i called because i wanted
to tell you something

yeah? go ahead

i um
i met someone

oh really? tell me more

he's one of my co stars,
his name is chris...

hemsworth? the thor guy?
oh honey he's a dream

oh my god no mom!
he's married
i'm talking about chris
evans, he plays captain

oh him!
he's a handsome one

yeah he is mom

are you guys together?

yeah mom, we just
started dating recently
i'm on vacation with
some of the group and
i guess it just happened

oh honey i'm so happy
for you!
are you happy?

i'm so happy mom,
i don't even think that
word accurately describes
how i'm feeling
we're both still getting to
know each other but god mom he
makes me feel things i
haven't in a long time

alaia baby,
i'm so happy for you
and i'd love to meet

actually we're coming
to england to film
i'm sure we'll have some
time off so we'll come
visit you

of course baby!
we'll be waiting on it

alright well i gotta
go but i love you mom
and i'll see you

love you baby
stay safe!


a/n: alaia's parents are from england, they live there!

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