62|Stories&Real Life

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(this is supposed to be Chapter 63 but wattpad won't let me switch the chapters
around so let's pretend this is Chapter 63)

alaiamatthews posted on their story!
July 20th

alaiamatthews posted on their story! July 20th

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July 24th

chrisevans posted on their story! July 26th

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chrisevans posted on their story!
July 26th

chrisevans posted on their story! July 26th

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July 27th

July 29th

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July 29th


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"I never want to leave Boston." Alaia spoke, the couple were currently sat in a bar across from each other enjoying their drinks. It was almost time for Alaia to go back to New York as she had a short project to work on.

The thought of being away from Chris physically pained her, after spending everyday with him for more than half a year it was painful leaving him. He couldn't go back with her due to him starting filming on a new movie. They were both uncertain of how long they would be sending apart due to their packed schedules, they had been enjoying each other every moment of their little Boston getaway trip. Chris had successfully introduced Alaia to his family who they all received with open arms, he'd managed to show her all his favourite places in his home town and Alaia loved every moment.

Watching Chris talk about his love for the city was truly an amazing sight, he was a completely different person. His eyes lit up in glee as he described stories of growing up here, she watched in awe most of time loving the sight of her boyfriend retelling her things. She lifted her glass to her lips taking a sip enjoying watching Chris in front of her, he had a beer in his hand enjoying the atmosphere around them.

"I love you." He spoke, a smile grew on her lips.

"I love you too."

"Listen I was thinking maybe I could take a few days off from filming and come down to New York to visit you" She placed her glass back on the table a small frown growing on her lips quickly replacing the smile.

"Chris I told you that you don't need to take any unnecessary breaks, I know how long filming will take and I want you to be done with it quickly." He reached out taking her hands in his.

"I know baby, but I don't know how I'll survive without seeing you for a few months."

"I know Chris—" She sighed rubbing his hands, "It's my last day here and I just want to enjoy the time we have left okay?"

"Of course, and that's what we'll do."

She smiled reaching out for her glass again, everything was going to be okay she kept telling herself. The few months would pass by quickly and they would soon see each other again, they would see each other at Thanksgiving and Christmas but that still felt like light years away. He leaned over placing a kiss on her lips, that feeling of pure bliss quickly took over her again every time he kissed her. Whether it was a passionate one or a simple peck it never failed to make butterflies erupt inside of her stomach, but that feeling of pure bliss was quickly interrupted when a voice broke out behind her calling her name.

"Alaia? Is that you?" She turned around her eye widening, the voice belonged to Daniel Williams.

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