64|Real Life

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"Alaia? Is that you?" Daniel Williams stood in front of the table looking down at me, I froze in my chair having no clue how to react to this.

"Daniel what are you doing here?" Chris' voice broke out, I still had no clue what to say. I merely sat there staring at the man who hurt me all those years ago.

"I'm on holiday, fancy running into you guys here! Who knew." He chuckled keeping his eyes glued onto Alaia.

"Alright well it was nice seeing you but we're in the middle of something." Chris said attempting to diffuse the awkward air surrounding them.

"Trying to get rid of me already?" He smirked before pulling a chair out and sitting down at their table. Alaia quickly sunk into her seat avoiding both men staring down at her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Chris asked breaking the silence, there was a slight tone of anger coming through his voice.

"Sitting down of course, I want to know how you guys are doing?"

"Leave." He simply said, it was rude and curt but Chris didn't care in that moment.

"Oh come on! relax." Daniel spoke, Alaia could feel Chris' eyes boring into her but she avoided his eyes. She wanted to get away from this situation quickly.

"What's the matter huh? Cat got your tongue?" Daniel said turning his head looking at Alaia, she reluctantly looked up seeing him for the first time in months in front of her.

"What do you want?" She spoke out, her voice was hoarse and almost sounded like a whisper.

"There she is! She speaks!"

Chris looked at him drilling holes into his head, it was evident anger was seeping off of him. His eyes slowly made their way to Alaia landing on her, it was clear she was uncomfortable and wanted Daniel to get away.

"I don't know what game you think you're playing but just go away." Alaia spoke.

"I'm not playing any game, I miss you." He said, Chris' eyes widened slightly at that. Had I heard that right?

"Good to know, now go."

"Don't be like that, hear me out—" Before he could continue Alaia interrupted him, "No, I don't need to hear anything from you just go."

Daniel sighed and slowly turned his head back around facing Chris,

"She's got a little temper on her."

"Daniel I'm not going to tell you again, leave now."

"Alright alright calm down—" Daniel stood up pushing his chair back in, "Before I leave, it was fun seeing you a few weeks ago in LA." With that he turned around and walked away.

Chris furrowed his eyebrows looking back at the girl sitting in front of him, what had he just heard?

"What?" Was all he said, he waited for Alaia to look at him, to give him and answer but there was only silence.

"Alaia, speak." He pleaded.

"What do you want me to say?" She broke the silence.

"What did he mean it was fun seeing you? What the hell is that about? What are you not telling me?"

"Chris I-" She sighed avoiding his eyes again, "It's not what you think."

"Oh really? It's not what I think? Are you serious right now?"

"Can you let me explain?"

"I don't need you to explain anything, it's clear you've lied to me once again."

Her eyes widened, what? Confusion flew over her, what was he talking about?

"Lied? What is that supposed to mean?"

"You lied about your past relationship with him and now you've lied about seeing him."

"I never lied! Is it so wrong from me to want to forget everything about him?"

"No it's not wrong but how can you expect me to be here without knowing anything about you?"

"You know everything about me!"

"Clearly I don't, you met with your ex-boyfriend and me, your current boyfriend didn't know."

"Don't say it like that, I didn't meet him why won't you let me explain?"

"Do you still love him?"

She was taken aback by his question, had he really just asked her that?

"Did you really just ask me that?"

"Are you going to answer?" He questioned, she'd never seen him like this before. This was a different side to him and frankly it was scaring her.

"You already know the answer to that."

"I see." He said and they fell back into a silence, a cold silence that iced over them.

"I need to get out of here." He said abruptly standing up, she looked up at him confused once again.

"Chris what are you doing?" She stood up beside him, he didn't say a word but started walking outside. She trailed behind wondering what he was doing.

"I need space." He said, that was it. That was what really threw Alaia off, space?


"I need to think, I need space okay?"

"What? Chris why are you doing this?"

He walked up to her taking her hands in his, he didn't say anything but looked down staring into her eyes. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes, his hand slowly lifted stroking her cheek slightly. Before she could say anything he let go and began walking away leaving her standing there.


hi! here's a little update for you guys! i hope you enjoy, please comment
if you did so i really appreciate it! :)

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