67|Real Life

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Five minutes later the sound of a lock turning and the door opening, Sebastian came face to face with his best friend Alaia. He stood there for a while looking at her, really taking the sight of her in. She didn't look her usual self, her eyes were red and puffy and her hair matted and thrown across her shoulders.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked before walking in, it looked as though she was situated on the couch with her duvet sprawled across it.

He turned around waiting for an answer but nothing, Alaia didn't speak she simply stood there trying not to break down again. It had been three weeks since she last saw Chris, she hadn't heard a word from him and all her attempts are trying to talk to him failed.

Now her best friend was standing in front of her, worried and waiting for an answer and she had nothing to say to him. Not one word, she couldn't think of anything to say.

"Alaia." He spoke breaking the silence, he slowly walked over to her now standing in front of her.

She looked up at him and quickly the emotions poured out of her, she started crying leaning against her best friends shoulder whilst he stood there confused trying to comfort her.

"Alaia please talk to me, what happened?"

She pulled back walking back onto the couch grabbing a tissue to clean herself, Sebastian followed behind her before they both sat down. She pulled the duvet over the two of them as they sank down into the couch.

"I've missed you." She spoke.

"I've missed you too, now tell me what's got you like this."

She didn't say anything for a while, she thought about what she could say. She sighed leaning her head onto the pillow beside her, she started playing with her fingers before she finally spoke.

"I think Chris and I are broken up." Sebastian was slightly taken aback, he hadn't expected her to say that.



"What do you mean you think?"

"I'm not sure Seb." She pondered for a minute before explaining to him to the whole situation.

"Woah." Sebastian said having heard the story, he ran a hand through his hair slightly frustrated.

"I haven't heard from him in three weeks Seb, I don't know what to do anymore."

"Have you tried texting? Calling?" She nodded her head eagerly, he sighed a frown settling on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me? You've been here all alone dealing with this."

She sighed looking down at her hands, "I'm sorry I know I should've told you, it's just I haven't exactly jumped at the opportunity to talk to anyone."

"Have you spoken to him recently?" She asked.

"Only the other day, talks about the third movie."

"He didn't mention me?"

Sebastian thought back to the last few conversations he'd had with Chris over the last three weeks, he shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"No I'm sorry, he hasn't."

"I guess we've broken up then." She sighed, he reached out taking her small fragile hand in his.

"Alaia, I'm here okay? For whatever you need, you know you can talk to me." It was killing him seeing her like this, heartbroken over one of his greatest friends.

"Thank you Sebastian, and I'm sorry I didn't talk to you sooner."

"Have you spoken to anyone else about this?" He asked.

"Apart from Emmy no, everyone's been texting me but I haven't replied."

"Anyways moving on I don't want to dwell on this any longer, how is talks going for the third movie? Is Bucky making a comeback?"

"Looks like it, they've said they need to speak to a few more people to bring on but after that we could be set to start filming in a few weeks."

"That's really great Seb, I'm happy for you." She mustered up a smile for him.

"Thank you, it'll be fun."

The two sat there catching up with each other after weeks of not seeing one another, it was everything Alaia didn't know she needed. She had missed his company and their long talks, she suddenly felt a bit better because she knew she had him by her side.


here's a lil update! :)
I hope there's no mistakes ahahah
hope you all enjoy it!

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