29|Real Life

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"You look amazing!" Scarlett said as Alaia walked into the club where the party was being held.

She smiled complimenting Scarlett in return, "You're the one who looks amazing!" Scarlett shook her head, "Girl look at you." Alaia was wearing a tight black dress which managed to hug her figure, it was proving difficult to walk in but hey-if it looks good that's what matters.

"Hey! Look who turned up!" Robert yelled walking over to the girls, everyone followed closely behind Robert.

Alaia greeted everyone until her eyes landed on Chris, holy shit, she looked at him drinking him in. He was wearing a navy blue button down with dark jeans, he looked absolutely amazing. She stood there for a moment gathering her thoughts before moving to greet him.

"Hey Chris."

"Hey Laya, you look-" He paused for a moment taking her in, "Absolutely beautiful." At that moment butterflies erupted in her stomach causing her to blush-hard. Thankfully, it was dark in the club so Chris wouldn't notice.

"Come." Chris grabbed her hand and walked her over to the bar, "What are you drinking?" He asked.

"Vodka martini, but how would you feel about some shots?" She said smirking looking up at him, "Let's do it."

The bartender handed them two shots each and their respective drinks, as they both downed their shots they met each other's eyes again. Chris was struggling, he knew he'd fallen hard for the girl standing in front of him. He couldn't help it, she was perfect. They looked at each other for what seemed like ages until the bartender handed them two more shots.

"Looks like I'm gonna regret this tomorrow morning." Alaia muttered before she downed her shots again, she wasn't the best drinker. She usually got drunk easily and this meant everyone would have to endure her dancing and singing like crazy.

"I like drunk Alaia." Chris smirked, "She's definitely making an appearance tonight." She added.

As they left the bar they walked over meeting everyone else who were enjoying themselves drinking and dancing. As they reached everyone, Scarlett quickly grabbed Alaia's hand and dragged her in the middle of the room to dance.

Shaking her head and resisting Scarlett's strength, Alaia unwillingly went along, "Oh no, I can't dance!" Alaia exclaimed, she watched as Scarlett started moving her body in time with the music.

"I don't care, do whatever! Who cares!" Scarlett yelled letting herself go, she seemed free spirited all of a sudden waving her hair over her shoulders.

She grabbed Scarlett's hands and started moving her body at the same time as her. This was exactly what she needed, she needed to let go and be free. She caught Chris' eyes for a second and quickly changed the way she moving-every movement she made was slow, almost as if she was teasing Chris. She had no idea what she doing but she was enjoying it, she was enjoying making him stare at her. Usually, she'd never do such a thing but four shots in her she hadn't a care in the world.

All the men stood up and decided to make fools of themselves by joining the women dancing in the middle of the room. Anthony and Hemsworth started doing silly dances causing everyone to erupt in fits of laughter, Alaia continued moving her body in time with the music until Chris came up behind her. She turned out facing him, neither of them said anything but it was evident that in that moment they needed each other.

"I thought you couldn't dance." He smirked staring down at her.

She shrugged her shoulders, "Hidden talents I guess."

Alaia stepped closer to him completely closing the distance between them, her arms slowly snaked their way around Chris' neck. This is it, she thought, maybe she was finally going to get what she'd hoped for. As they both got closer and closer to each other, a hand on Alaia's shoulder made her turn around. She sighed growing frustrated, as she turned around she realised it was Anthony's hand on her shoulder.

"What's up?" She said, "I've got a surprise for you." He said, she furrowed her eyebrows confused at what he'd said. Her arms had left Chris' body reluctantly, she looked at Anthony waiting for him to say something until someone behind her called her name.

As she turned around her eyes widened, fuck, her best friend Sebastian was standing there with a huge smile on his face. She ran over to him, embracing him in a hug as he squeezed her in his arms.

Everyone walked over to greet Sebastian as Chris stood glued to his spot, what the hell?, he suddenly grew confused and angry. Angry because Sebastian had turned up unannounced, angry because he was finally going to get his moment with Alaia. Quickly he scolded himself for even thinking like that, Sebastian is one of his closest friends.

He walked over and hugged Sebastian as Alaia stood beside him, as he let go he caught her eyes again. She looked down slightly avoiding his eyes, that was enough to make Chris walk away and hit the bar again.

He reached the bar and quickly had shots delivered to him, as he downed he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned seeing Anthony sitting beside him.

"Hey man you good?"

"Yeah I'm fine, why?"

"I know Sebastian turning up unannounced was kinda crazy, sorry I interrupted you and Alaia." Anthony spoke, Chris downed down at his drink.

"It's all good, after all that's her best friend." He muttered, Anthony looked at the state of Chris as he drank.

"Come on let's go back." Anthony said grabbing Chris' arm, "Uh I was drinking." He said as he got up.

"You can drink near everyone else." As they reached everyone else, he noticed Alaia and Sebastian were missing from the group.

"Where did they go?" Chris asked.

"Outside I think." Robert answered, Chris sat down beside Anthony and grabbed whatever was in front of him and drank. The night he hoped would've gone well ended up leaving him angry.


a/n: this is kinda bad so i had no idea what to write BUT Sebastian's here...
Poor Chris he was about to finally get his moment with Alaia :(

enjoy this update!

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