85|Real life

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"What do you want to do?" Alaia said sitting down on the couch beside Chris.

"What do you mean?"

"We've finished filming, pretty sure we have nothing going on so what happens next?"

"Last time we went to Boston and well we know how that turned out." He chuckled slightly remembering how terrible everything turned out.

"Let's go on holiday, somewhere hot!"

"Where are you thinking?" He asked, she positioned herself now facing Chris.

"Well um I don't know what do you think?"

"You've always said how you wanted to go Hawaii, let's go there?" He suggests, Alaia's eyes instantly lit up at the prospect of going to her dream holiday spot.


"Yeah of course, let's go!"

"I can't wait!" She placed her hands on each side of his face bringing him in for a kiss, she was so unbelievably happy in that moment.

"I love you." He said stroking her cheek, she blushed almost instantly. It didn't take a lot for her to blush, anytime Chris said anything it was an instant reaction.

"I love you." She said back looking into his captivating eyes, she smiled widely at him.

Alaia was so excited at the idea of being able to go on holiday with Chris again, but this time it would be different. It would be the two of them reconnecting more than they have since they'd gotten back together. Last time they'd gone on holiday everything turned out horrible, this time Alaia was determined to have it be the best trip they'd ever go on together.

"We'll look at flights tomorrow yeah?" He suggested, she nodded her head agreeing with him.

"Perfect." She said smiling once more at him, he instantly returned it.

Chris was just as excited to get away with Alaia, despite their breakup in the middle it dawned on him that Alaia and him had been together for almost two years. Or so, he's been in love with her since the first moment he laid eyes on her. He avoided dwelling on the past too much but in the end his love for her during their time only seemed to grow, the few weeks they spent away from each other allowed him to realise how madly in love he is with her.

He regretted instantly the way he acted and had no idea how to reach out to her anymore, he spent all the weeks regretting how much he'd hurt her and only wanted to be with her again. No one could never top the love he held for her, she was it. His future, he saw no one else but her.

He leaned him placing a kiss on her lips, "You realise if we're there next week, it'll be our two year anniversary."

"Anniversary in Hawaii huh." She said wriggling her eyesbrows.

"Totally didn't plan it like this." He said chuckling.

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