79|Real Life

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At seven on the dot Alaia's doorbell rang echoing throughout her condo, her heart seemed as though it stopped beating for a second. Her breath hitched as she slowly walked towards the door, placing her hand on the handle she unlocked the door opening it coming face to face with Chris.

He still managed to look breathless every time she saw him, they both stood there for a moment taking each other's appearance in. Chris felt a sudden tug at his chest seeing her again so close to him, he had truly missed everything they had.

"Hi." He speaks breaking the silence, she gives a small smile greeting him back.

"I figured it's a bit late but we could go get some coffee." He suggested.

"Yeah sure let me just grab my bag." Alaia quickly disappeared inside the condo searching for her bag, her heart had been going at a thousand miles per hour. She was nervous and had no idea what to expect.

The pair soon left and started the small walk towards the cafe at the end of the road, they both walked beside each other in silence. Chris occasionally looked over seeing Alaia with her head down deep in thought, she's nervous he thought. Soon they reached the cafe walking in the strong scent of coffee hit their nostrils as they made their way to a small table at the back.

"What do you feel like? ice cold latte or piping hot?" He asked as they sat down, she was slightly taken aback at the fact he'd remembered her coffee order.

"Um piping hot is fine." She smiled meekly at the man sat in front of her.

Their drinks were ordered and within a few minutes placed in front of them, Chris sighed propping his elbows on the table. He was nervous, he wasn't really sure what he had planned to say but he knew he had to talk to her.

"I um, sorry I don't really know what to say." He started.

She looked up at him, "It's okay." She smiled once more, there it was again that smile that made everything seem like it was alright again.

"I had planned what I wanted to say but I guess I'm nervous."

"Why am I here then?" She questioned wanting to know what he wanted to say.

"I guess the first thing I need to say is that I owe you an apology, a massive one." He began, she stopped fiddling with the spoon in her cup and looked up at him.

"I was incredibly wrong for how I reacted and I hate that it's taken me so long to realise it—" He leaned forward facing her, "I was stupid and didn't let you explain anything then I completely froze you out."

"I'm sorry Alaia, I really am you need to know that I'm so sorry for everything." He ran his hand through his now blonde hair, "I acted poorly, I just need to know that I'm sorry."

She sighed leaning back in her seat slightly, she sighed having grown completely speechless. She wasn't expecting an apology, actually she didn't know what she was expecting.

"I- I don't really know what to say sorry."

"It's okay, don't worry."

"Chris I- you hurt me..." She started feeling a flutter in her chest, "I know I hurt you but you really really hurt me with freezing me out."

He sighed remembering the pain he'd gone through but not only that, the pain he'd put her through.

"I tried calling, texting anything to talk to you again but you made it very clear you wanted nothing to do with me again."

"Alaia I was hurt, I had really assumed the worst which in turn consumed me and all I could think was I needed to distance myself."

"I didn't even get a chance to explain myself, do you know how that made me feel? Like shit." She sighed placing her elbows on the table, "I was doing better telling myself that this was it, we were actually over and that I needed to move on."

"I hate that I made you feel like that..."

"Then I get told that I'm set to be in the new movie and that just caused a whirlwind of emotions to come back, I wasn't sure I was ready to see you again after everything."

"I was scared when I found out I'd see you again, I wasn't sure what to expect." He added.

"Me neither but here we are."

"I'm sorry." He whispered.



"I forgive you, I do." She looked up at him smiling slightly, "Alaia I don't expect you to." He added.

"Also I owe you an explanation." She said fiddling with her thumbs.

"I didn't lie you know? I did run into him in LA but it really wasn't what you were thinking, he just started going on with his usual bullshit and tried to get me back but I wanted nothing to do with him."

"He just didn't leave me alone, I know I should've told you earlier but I caught onto the fact he was going to try to kiss me but I quickly moved away and just left." She sighed looking up at his eyes, "I felt horrible but I honestly wanted to forget it after everything that happened with him."

It then hit Chris that he had truly acted so poorly hurting the girl in front of him, It dawned on him that she'd probably never consider getting back together with him after everything he'd done. It was like a repeat of her ex boyfriend and she'd been hurt enough.

He reached out timidly taking her small pale hand in his, slowly stroking it he looked up at her once more.

"I'm sorry, Alaia I really am."

"It's okay Chris, I just want to put it behind us now."

"I- I still love you". Her eyes widened slightly taken aback at his comment, he himself was shocked that he'd even said it.

"You do?" She asked.

"Of course I do, I never stopped Alaia."

"Chris I-"

"It's okay Alaia, I'm not rushing you at all it's your choice." He smiled at her, she returned a small weak smile back.

"I still love you too, and I want to be with you." She whispered.

"You want to try again?"

"I have to take risks, I don't want to throw this away when I'm madly in love with you."

It was like a weight had been lifted off both of their chests and everything was right with the world again. They knew it wasn't going to be easy, they knew they'd have to work together and communicate but they knew for sure that they couldn't live without each other.


hi! my babies are back together and
better than ever!
we love to see it :)
enjoy the update x

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