21|Instagram&Real Life

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As planned, Chris showed up at the door of Alaia's condo at five in the morning. The sun was only beginning to make its entrance to the day, the streets were empty devoid of human life as the day was barely starting. He waited silently for her to open the door, as the locks turned Alaia swung the door open meeting Chris' eyes.

"Hey!" She beamed, Chris instantly admired the burst of energy she had in the morning.

"Hey, you have a lot of energy this morning." He commented, she chuckled slightly motioning him to come in. As he stepped into the condo, he looked around seeing everything kept in place.

"Only because I went to bed dreaming of the coffee we'd have." She said, somehow that comment of hers managed to send a flutter in Chris' stomach. Butterflies? Surely not, he was a grown man who'd never experienced such a thing. This only caused Chris to think about the fact that she'd been thinking about their date and that she was just as excited, he shook his head discreetly pushing his overthinking thoughts out.

"I just have to grab my bag, I'll be back." She smiled before walking off into the hallway of the condo.

He looked around still standing by the door, her condo was almost identical to his. Everything was in its place apart from the suitcase sitting in the middle of the living room, footsteps emerged from the hallway as Alaia returned with her bag in hand.

"Okay, well we can go now." She smiled, she made her way over to door opening it for the pair to leave. She quickly locked her door and they made they're way to Chris' car.

As they stepped into his car, Chris quickly turned the heaters on engulfing the car in heat. "It's always freezing in the mornings." He muttered, "Captain America afraid of a little cold? You should be used to it." She joked, this caused a smile to play on Chris' lips.

"I'm taking you to the best coffee place here in Atlanta, or at least I think it is." He said as he began the drive to the coffee shop.

"I trust your judgement." She said, the rest of the ride to the coffee shop left the pair to sing along to whatever was playing on the radio. It consisted of mostly Alaia belting the lyrics out to songs playing and Chris laughing at her. After all it was five in the morning and she was a ball of energy.

As they arrived at the coffee shop, the pair stepped out the car and made their way into the shop. It was mostly empty with the odd people sitting down enjoying their hot beverages. The two sat down on a small table beside the window where they had a clear view of the sun rise emerging into the sky.

"What's your go-to?" Chris asked as she flipped through the small menu on the table.

"Hmm, It's either an iced latte or a piping hot latte-there's no inbetween."

"Hate to break it to you, but that's exactly what I order." She looked up at him a smile growing on her lips, "No way!" She exclaimed, he nodded his head.

The pair ordered their drinks and enjoyed each other's company in the small shop before they even thought about work. Chris sat there in awe of her as she told him a story about her life in New York, every word that slipped out her mouth was spoken elegantly and the way in which she told the story made Chris feel like he'd been there with her.

It was scary to admit that Chris was beginning to develop feelings for her, he scolded himself for even thinking of her in such a way. She's my coworker, I can't. Everything about her was drawing him into her, the way she spoke, the way in which she carried herself. It was as if she had no care in the world.

This was getting dangerous for him, he hadn't felt this way in a long time and for Alaia to turn up a few months ago and change everything for him was scary. He had no idea she even remotely felt the same way, all he knew was that he beginning to slowly fall for her and he had to stop himself.


alaiamatthews: how pretty is my date? i'm talking about the coffee ofc

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alaiamatthews: how pretty is my date? i'm talking about the coffee ofc

LIKES : 183K | COMMENTS : 2,839

username: i love her

username2: so pretty

username3: her coffee obsession is everything

imsebastainstan: you're prettier
alaiamatthews: duh i know

username4: DID SEB JUST???

username5: I SHIPP IT SO MUCH

anthonymackie: im much prettier
alaiamatthews: um no

markruffalo: the coffee is your date? interesting🤔
alaiamatthews: 😳😳

username6: what is mark on about??

username7: right? SPILL THE TEA MARK

chrisevans liked your photo!


a/n: i hate writing real life chapters cos i suck at them so bad, it didn't wanna drag out chris and alaia's convo just i made it sweet and short :)
enjoy x

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