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This takes place after Josie told hope she had a crush on her.(Author)

(Hope's POV)
After Josie told me that she had a crush on me I was shocked and confused because I did like her when I was 14 but that was a long time ago things change. I didn't know what to do so I just avoided her as much as possible I felt bad but I had to.I was doing so well at avoiding her until Alyssa spilled juice all over me and I had to go clean it off when I got in the bathroom there she was the girl that I had been desperately trying to avoid sitting right in front of me.

(Josie's POV)
After I told hope I had a crush on her I felt a wave of relief until I tried to talk to her about the next day, she was avoiding me I knew it because every time I came close to her she would leave I was heart broken I can't believe that I thought she would feel the same way after that happened I needed a distraction so I went to the only person who could distract me for the moment (Penelope park) as much as I hated her she was the one person who could take my mind off of hope for a moment. I went to Penelope's room and banged on her door she opened the door and just as she was about to say something I kissed her and she kissed me back and one thing lead to other. The next day I knew that I had made a mistake because Penelope wouldn't leave me alone so I ran into the bathroom when she wasn't looking and started to read my book and then she came in our eyes met and I finally said "hope" she looked disappointed to see me but I get it considering she's been avoiding me for weeks. She tried to leave but I siphoned some magic from the wall and put a barrier spell on the door she turned around shocked and said "take it down jo" I loved how she called me jo but I was angry so I said "not until we talk hope you've been avoiding me for weeks"

(Hope's POV)
"Not until we talk hope you've been avoiding me for weeks" I didn't want to talk to Josie about how I felt but in this moment I had no choice so I asked her what did she want to talk about? She said " you've been acting weird every since I told u about how I felt and it hurts that instead of telling me that you didn't feel the same way u avoided me" I hate that I hurt her and that she thinks that I don't feel the same way about her even though I do I would do anything for her but I can't tell her that because every time I get close to people they either die or leave and I don't know if I would have been able to live with myself if something happened to Josie. So I did what I always do I pushed her away. I told her that I don't feel the same way I looked at her beautiful brown eyes and saw her heart break I can't believe that I just did that but it's for her own safety I turned around and left when she lifted the spell.

(Josie's POV)
After hope told me that she doesn't feel the same way about me my heart broke and all I could do was cry I ran to my room and cried Lizzie asked me what was wrong I tried to talk but nothing came out she just comforted me until I was ready.(1 hour later) I managed to stop crying and I was ready to tell Lizzie I sat up and told her everything she wasn't surprised though but she was really angry at hope she got up and said "I'm going to kill her"I managed to calm her down and told her it wasn't hope's fault that she doesn't have feelings for me when I said that Lizzie looked like she wanted to tell me something but she bit her tongue and I didn't ask. It was getting late and I was tired so I went to sleep thinking about hope I don't know why but I couldn't help it.

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