Im sorry

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Narrators POV

It had been two weeks, two weeks since the girls broke up. They hadn't seen each other since that night mainly because hope resorted to her old ways she shut everyone out and stopped coming out of her room.

Meanwhile Josie puts on a big smile every day to hide how broken she felt inside. Only her twin knows that she cry's herself to sleep every night calling out for hope.

Another day Hope stayed in her room and laid there unable to cry anymore she was tired of it. Tired of everyone asking her was she okay, no she wasn't okay.

She had lost the love of her life for a simple mistake that she didn't even make and it was driving her crazy.

She just wanted to leave and that's what she did. Hope called her aunt Freya and told her everyone and asked if she could stay there.

Of course Freya said yes as she missed her favorite niece. Hope packed then went down to Dr Saltzmans office to let him know.

As she approached the office she heard voices inside but decided to ignore them. She knocked and wait to enter until she was given permission.

Hope walked in with her suitcases in her hands and looked to Dr Saltmanz to tell him that she was leaving. Only to get stopped in her tracks to see Josie again after weeks of not seeing her.

They stared at each other for what seemed like forever only for it to come to an end when they heard someone clear their throat.

Hope looked up finally, noticing that Lizzie was also in attendance. She wondered what they were talking about but let it go.

She couldn't bare being there anymore so she turned to Dr Saltzmam. "Hey Dr Saltmanz I just wanted to tell you I'm leaving for New Orleans with My aunt Freya in a couple of hours."

Dr Saltmanz nods understand before leaning over and gives her a comforting hug. "Good luck." He spoke knowing she'd need it after the breakup.

On the other hand Lizzie gasped, "What? You're leaving? You can't leave!" Her face turned red as she came to Hope's side.

Hope gives Lizzie a warm hug, "Calm down, I'll be back. Promise." Hope sais to her best friend in hopes of getting her spirit back up.

After Lizzie nearly squeezed the life out of her, Hope turned to Josie who quickly turned the opposite way hoping Hope hadn't noticed the tears swelling in her eyes.

Hope stood disappointed before turning to go back to her room to sit and wait for her aunt Freya.

She painted for an hour before getting hungry and getting up making her way to the door so she could go to the kitchen.

She made it to the kitchen and was surprised to see Maya there. "Hope, can we talk?" Maya called out,

Hope was hesitant at first because she hadn't spoken to Maya since that night she hadn't spoken to anybody after that night but she wanted to apologize to Maya for her outburst she was angry at her but Maya had know idea that her and Josie were together.

"Sure, what's up?" Hope said, she decided to give Maya a chance to speak and also correct her actions towards Maya.

"I just wanted to say sorry for kissing you, I had no clue you didn't feel the same for me that I did for you. I just assumed and that was my mistake."

Hope gave Maya a small polite smile, "It's okay Maya, I didn't think you felt a way for me, I thought you were flirty with everyone. If I had known I would've told you that I was with Josie." Maya nodded.

"Thank you for that." , "I want you to know that I am sorry for my outburst." The two then hugged, "I hope we can still be friends, if you don't mind."

"Sure." Hope smiles, Maya said goodbye before leaving the kitchen with her granola bar, Hope grabbed a bottle of water and a bag of chips before returning to her room.

After about 2o minutes she gets a call from her aunt Freya informing her that she was outside, she grabbed her suitcase and went outside.

Freya was standing there with a huge smile, Hope made her way over and gave her aunt a big hug. "Nice to see you kiddo."

Freya helped Hope get her things inside of the car before the two climbed in after. Hope looked out the window to see if Josie was there. Once she saw she wasn't she turned and put her head down.

"I'm glad you're staying with me Hope, I missed you." Freya said before she started the car up before driving off.

Meanwhile when Josie first heard Hope was leaving she didn't know how to process it. "Hey Jo, you okay?" Lizzie asked her.

"I can't- I can't breathe." She stumbled over her words. Liz went to her side immediately, "Calm down 1 2 3." Lizzie counted down.

She was doing her best but Josie was still torn, after a hour Josie was finally able to control her breathing and emotions.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Lizzie asked, Josie shook her head. "No I'm fine and thank you."
She took her hand off her chest.

"Im gonna go get some water." She said, "I can get it for you." Liz offered but Josie shook her head. "It's fine, I need the walk."

She left the room and made her way to the kitchen, when she entered there was Maya also getting a water bottle.

Maya heard the door close and turned to face Josie. "Josie- before she could get her sentence out Josie turned to walk out.

"Wait please, just let me explain." Josie stopped in front of the door and took three deep breaths before turning to gave Maya. "Go ahead."

"I had no idea you and Hope were together, before Hope left she told me she didn't tell me because she didn't know if you wanted it to be a secret or not."

"I just wanted you to know that I kissed Hope, and she pushed me away, she didn't kiss back!" Maya said to Josie.

Josie's eyes widened at the new information." Oh I didn't know." She said genuinely, "I hope we can still be friends or at least cordial."

"No bad blood here." Josie said to Maya, Maya smiled and went in for a hug with Josie declined politely. "To soon?"

"A little." Josie chuckled along with Maya, Josie left after getting her water and went to her room to sit and think, she had a lot of thoughts going through her mind but the main one was getting Hope back.

(Authors Notes)
Hi guys I'm back sorry for the long awaited update I've been busy but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did🙂

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