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(Hopes POV)
When I finally realised why Josie ran off I ran after her, I couldn't let her think that this ring was for Isabella I have know idea why I care but I do.

When I made it to Josie's room I tried opening it only to find it locked with a spell so I resorted to my second option..knocking.

"Josie please open the door let me explain" saying this I felt a strange sense of déjà vu (;

"Just go away hope" she said sounding defeated. There it was again déjà vu but this time I'm not going away she can't push me away this time.

"No Jo I'm not leaving not until we talk I won't make the same mistake like last time" it was quiet at first so quiet that I was sure she wouldn't let me in until I heard her take down the spell she put up.

I took a deep breath then reached for the handle and opened the door. There she was the girl that I had so desperately loved for years, the girl that broke my heart, the girl that I ran from and moved back to my home city for 2 months to avoid seeing her, the girl that still has every piece of my heart and all my love and doesn't know it.

We just looked at each other not knowing what to say but for the first time since I've been back I looked at her I mean really looked at her she looks slightly older in a more mature way, but she looks even more beautiful than the day I left. How is that even possible? No hope you came here to get closure not to admire how beautiful your ex girlfriend is ,right right focus hope.

"Uh um I just wanted to um" dammit why am I so nervous just spit it out. I started to speak again until I was cut off by the softest almost silent voice.

"I'm happy for you"she said putting on her biggest smile but I know her probably better than anyone else and I know her fake smiles. My heart felt like it could shatter right here at the sight I couldn't let her think that the ring was for Isabelle not for a second longer.

"It's for you" I blurted out like an idiot before quickly explaining what I meant seeing her confused face.

"I mean it was for you it's been in my family for ages and before the whole breaking up thing I was going to give it to you as a promise ring to promise you that I'll love you forever" I blushed while accidentally letting out the last part.

She looked shocked at first then she smiled a real smile her smile and it was perfect, she's perfect.

(Authors notes)
Hi guys so sorry for the late updates I've been busier than I thought but I'll try to give you guys an update at least once every week or two.!

Ik this chapter was short but I wanted to give you guys something. I'll try to post the next half either Sunday or Wednesday but I hope you enjoyed and please give me recommendations on anything that I can do for upcoming chapters. DONT BE GHOST READERS COMMENT!!!

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