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(Hope's POV)

I cupped my hand around her cheek relived that I can finally kiss her without overthinking. Our lips slightly touched but we instantly jumped back hearing Lizzie call Josie. I groan in irritation at the thought of not being able to kiss Josie.

"Im going to kill her" Josie says with the same amount of irritation.

"Its okay love we'll get our chance again goodnight"I said kissing her cheek I smiled seeing her little blush before turning around and going to my room.

When I get in my room I plopped down on my bed with a sigh thinking about what just happen. The whole day replaying in my head over and over me and Josie almost kissed I felt her breath on my lips, I felt her hands on my waist pulling me closer, I felt butterflies. 

After reminiscing I hopped in the shower and laid down after I was done sleep overtaken me but that didn't stop me from thinking of Josie man i'm so whipped.

(Josie's POV)

Me and hope had almost kissed omg omg omg our lips were slightly touching and I could feel her minty breath on my lips but lizzie had to ruin it when we get back to our room I might strangle her she better be lucky hope calmed me down. After hope had called me love and left I was a blushing mess she has no idea what she does to me. I stood there in shock until I heard Lizzies voice.

"Josie where have you been i've been looking everywhere for you and why are you all red are u okay?"

I could only nod not being able to form word.

"Ok well come on its almost curfew and I don't want to get in trouble plus dad said we have to do a tour tomorrow and I don't want to look like someones grandma"

"Ok ok wait what about mg?"

"What about him?"

"I thought you liked him"she hesitates at first but then said.

"I do but i'm scared  i've never felt this way about anybody and mg's kind, and selfless I don't want to ruin him i-i don't want to hurt him even if its by accident". Lizzie said almost on the verge of tears but also relived she told her sister.

"Liz you would never hurt him he knows that. You could never ruin him he loves you he always had just talk to him tell him how you feel he will understand" Josie said holding her sisters hand for comfort.

"Your right i'll tell him tomorrow now come on before we get in trouble"

"Ok" the sisters whispered to each other all the way to their room. When they arrived at their room they both got show and settled into bed Lizzie was almost asleep but Josie was tossing and turning with what happened with hope keeping her awake.   

"ME AND HOPE ALMOST KISSED" she blurted out quickly looking at Lizzie who was already looking at her shocked.


"Liz calm down"

"Ok okay spill"

"Okay it was after we won the talent show she came up to me asking about the song and if it was for her I teased her a little saying that it wasn't then she said if it was about somebody else she would throw them off a bridge we laughed and after the laughter died down she leaned in I thought I was dreaming at first and leaned in until she cupped her hand around my cheek our lips were touching but not quite but then you started shouting and we pulled away after that I said that I was going to kill you she called me love and said that we will get our chance again and after that she left". she said out of breathe.

" Omg Omg I totally cocked blocked you guys i'm so sorry Jo if I would've known I would've never came to look for you." 

" Its ok Liz like hope said well get our chance i'm just glad I know that she feels the same way about me". Josie said with the biggest smile ever.

" omg i gotta tell super squad that Hosies happening" Lizzie said whispering to herself.

Josie was gonna ask her what she said but after her whole confession she was exhausted so she told Lizzie goodnight and went to sleep thinking about nobody but Hope.

(Authors Notes)

Sorry for the late update guys i've been really busy but hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

I know you are all waiting for the Hosie kiss its coming soon so be patient until next time.

>P.S the next chapter is going to be some drama!!! 

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