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(Hopes POV)

After classes I went to my room to paint and to take my mind off of Josie. After awhile  I got hungry and decided to go to the kitchen for a snack but what I saw when i went in made my heart break and made my blood boil. I saw Josie and Penelope making out and go up to Penelopes room. I ran to the woods as my magic started to get out of control once I felt that I was far enough I let out all my anger on a tree managing to break a pretty good amount of my fingers but i didn't care after I was done I sat down and started thinking about Penelope and Josie and what they could be doing and that room and got even more angry. Angry at Penelope angry at Josie but mostly angry at myself for not telling Josie that I love her I fell asleep in the woods with Josie never leaving my mind.

(Josies POV)

After we got in Penelopes room we started to make out again and things started to heat up but i couldn't stop thinking about hope and how wrong this felt I knew that hope didn't love me back but it still felt like I was betraying her so I told Penelope to stop and I snuck out of her room back to mine careful not to wake lizzie up. I grabbed some clothes and got in the shower scrubbing my body feeling disgusting . After I got out I put on my clothes and went to bed feeling guilty.

(The next morning after classes) After classes I was walking in the hallway and ran into hope  "i'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going'' I said apologizing "its fine" she said we stood there awkwardly until i noticed both her hands were bandaged I instantly grabbed her hands and asked her what happened she hesitated at first but the she said "I kinda punched a tree several times" We looked at each other then bursted out in laughter I missed her,I missed laughing with her, watching movies until late, everything. Most of all I missed being her friend in this moment I was ok with her not loving me back.

(Hopes Pov)

After waking up in the woods I immediately went to my room to shower and get ready for my classes.(skip to after classes) I went to the infirmary for my broken fingers and got them bandaged. As I was coming out I ran into Josie she apologized for running into me and we awkwardly stood there until she noticed my wounds and asked what happened I didn't want to lie but I also didn't want to tell her the truth so I told her the half truth that I punched a tree many times we looked at each other then started laughing in that moment I realized how much I missed her and her laugh but I really missed her friendship I miss the way she was there for me and I want that back more than anything. After the laughter died down I decided to speak first"Im sorry for everything I never mean't to hurt you or ruin our friendship but I miss you more than anything and I hope you can forgive me and we can be friends again" She hesitated and but then smiled the most beautiful smile anyone could ever smile and said " of course we can be friends again I missed you to idiot" we laughed and decided to binge watch the harry potter movies. After we got done watching the movies she was getting ready to leave but I stopped her and asked her did she want to sleep over like old times she said yes and climbed into my bed at first we were separate but then she scooted over to me and put her around my waist and her head on my chest. I hesitated at first but then I cuddled her back minutes later I heard her small snores and started to smile. After watching Josie sleep for a while I fell asleep with a smile on my face knowing the most beautiful girl ever is sleeping on my chest.

Authors Notes

Two updates in one day crazy right? hope you guys enjoyed I would love positive feedback if you guys have any and let me know if you want another update! bye for now.

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