Talent show pt.2

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(Josies POV)

When me and Lizzie made it to our room we immediately started catching up since we haven't talked in about 2 days. I told her about the fight me and hope had and how after she healed we got closer. We talked for about 2 hours until it was time to get ready. I put on my sparkling blue dress and and lizzie put and her suit(I don't feel like describing her out fit but if u don't know go watch season 1 episode 11 i think). We had decided that lizzie and the other girls will be my backup dancer so we can still win this year. Lizzie had given me the most perfect song to sing mainly because it reminds me of hope. After we were finished getting ready and putting on our makeup we looked in the mirror to make sure we looked perfect.

"Damn we look good"Lizzie said looking at our outfits up and down I laughed and agreed.

"Your dress is gonna blow everyone away especially hope"she said teasing me I blushed and told her to shut up we laughed and realized  it was time to go.

When we made it to the auditorium wade was preforming  some fairy magic thing.(I just wanted to add more performances.) I looked around for hope but I couldn't find her I really hope she doesn't miss my performance it is dedicated to her of course.

(Hope's POV)

After my work out with Alaric I went to my room to shower and get ready for the talent show but after looking at the time I realized it was still 2 hours until then so to pass the time I watched the harry potter movies over for the thousandth time I don't know why considering I hate that Ron and Hermione are together I personally think that she should've been with Harry they had wayyy more chemistry and they were always there for each other. After about an hour Alaric busted in my room and told me that there was another monster outside. We ran outside ready for a fight but when we got out there we saw a unicorn?

" What the hell is that a unicorn?" I said shocked and confused.

"Language Hope"

"Sorry but where did this come from? is this the monster?"

"I don't know but you need to go check on the other students and ill stay here just in case"

"Okay" after I left Alaric I went to the auditorium to check on the student by the time I made it in there Ralf was in the middle of his poem he started to look at me and saying" I can't believe what i'm feeling since the moment you danced with me" I instantly knew he was talking about the day of the twins birthday which reminded me of Josie I need to find her. As I looked for Josie Dorein and Wade came to tell me that the unicorn wasn't the monster but the worms that was on it caused people to become possessed and the only way to kill it was electricity. Before we could leave everyone in the auditorium tried to attack us. I told wade to hold them back while I remembered the spell for electricity. After I did the spell everyone hit the floor and all the worms came out everyone got up and stomped them. I looked in the crowd to see if Josie and Lizzie was their they weren't so I went to go find them while Wade and Dorien made sure everyone was okay. When I was searching I found lizzie and instantly tied her to a chair and checked her ears.

"What the hell are u doing hope? If you kill me Josie will never marry you."

"Wha-what are you talking about? are you infected?where is the worm?.

"What worm dumb Tribrid, ow" 

" What was that?"

"That was my bracelet I charmed to shock me whenever I insult someone but after this its coming off I don't know how much longer I can take this"

"Its a lot to explain so long story short everyone was possessed by worms electricity kills them now where's Josie" I hurried up and explained worried about Josie.

"I haven't seen her untie me so we can go find her"I untied her and we searched the whole school except for the old mill. As we got there I saw Josie kissing Penelope I don't know if I wanted to cry or throw up but I had to realize that they she was possessed so I can't blame her. When we entered they stopped and charged towards us. I threw Penelope towards the wall. Josie came to her defense charging towards me but before she could do anything Lizzie took her bracelet off and put it on Josie. After the worm came out I stomped it and checked on Josie.

"Jo-Josie are you okay"

"Hope im fine that was disgusting but im fine" I hugged her tight glad that she was okay.

"Come on lets get back to school before we miss the talent show" Lizzie said. I got Josie up and we walked back to school. When we made it back Mg and Kaleb had started to preform they were really good I never knew that Kaleb could sing so well and Mg's dance moves were just as smooth as he said If Josie wasn't singing they would've definitely won. After their performance it Josies turn she looked absolutely stunning. The song started and I instantly knew what song it was.

(Josie's POV)

I was really nervous when the song started but then I looked at hope and felt calm then I started to sing.

"I've been watching you for sometime can't stop staring at those Ocean eyes" I sang staring at hope the entire time. I need her to know how I feel about her and if overcoming my fear of singing then so be it.

"Burning cities and napalm skies fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes your ocean eyes, no fair you really know how to make me cry when you gimme those ocean eyes. Im scared i've never fallin from quite this high fallin into your ocean eyes those ocean eyes."

(Skip to after the performance because i'm lazy )

Everyone applaud shocked that Josie could sing so good and by the heart eyes her and hope were giving each other. It was never a secret that the two liked each other especially recently.

After they announced that Josie won everyone congratulated her and went to bed with only Josie and Hope left in the auditorium. Hope shyly approached her.

"So you can't stop staring at my ocean eyes huh" Josie hit her and they laughed.

"Mmh you sure I was talking to you"

"Well if you weren't that was some pretty strong eye contact. And if it wasn't about me who was it about so that I can maybe throw them off a bridge." They laughed.

"Well it was about you dork I wouldn't sing for anyone else" they smiled at each.

(Hopes POV)

Man I really want to kiss her but what if she leaves me, what if it ruins our friendship ,what if - no no more what if's just do it.

I leaned in first still unsure but when I saw her lean in I wasn't unsure anymore. Our lips are so close.

(Authors Notes) ooo cliffhanger will they kiss or won't they?  Hope you guys enjoyed it was a long one. Don't be ghost readers comment. Till next time!


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