Why lie?

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(Lizzie's POV)
After Josie fell asleep I went straight to hopes room and banged on her door. When she opened the door I immediately started yelling at her but I stopped when I saw that she was crying so I closed the door and we sat down on her bed I knew she was crying over Josie so I asked her why did she lie? She was hesitant but she said "because Lizzie I'm not good for her she needs somebody that can protect her and never put her in danger and that's not me everybody that I love either leaves or die and I don't know what I would do if something happened to her" I wasn't surprised because hope pushes every one away but I couldn't let her push Josie away their in love and anybody with eyes could see that. But I knew that hope was scared of hurting Josie so I didn't push hope to talk to her. I was about to say something but i saw that hope was asleep so I put a blanket on her and left.

( Hopes POV)

When I woke up it was 7:30 I jumped up and put on my cloths and brushed my teeth because i was 30 minutes late to class when I got in the class the teacher said ( hope nice of you to show up to my class late) I apologized and went to find a seat unfortunate for me the only seat left was next to Josie I sat down and avoided eye contact with Josie and just payed attention to the the teacher. I was trying to focus but I couldn't all I felt was Josie's eyes on me. I looked at her and whisper shouted for her to stop looking at me I swear I could see her heart break when I looked in her eyes she quickly looked away and I was left with a guilty conscience. Class was so boing and even worse with all the tension between me and Josie once the bell rung I immediately grabbed my stuff and left.

(Josie's POV)

After hope told me to stop looking at her in class my heart broke even more. I couldn't understand why she was doing this to me I know she has a hard time with letting people in but I thought it was different with me. After classes ended I decided I didn't want to think about hope anymore so I went straight to my room and started writing songs until I got hungry and went to the kitchen when I got there I saw none other then my evil ex Penelope."hey jojo looking good as usual "I ignored her and started to get snack but then I thought about how hope rejected me and I didn't want to think about that right now so I let my mind take over and I kissed Penelope she was shocked but she kissed me back we made out for a while until we decided to go back to her room. Little did I know the person I love watched this unfortunate event...

Authors notes

Sorry that I went M.I.A but I will try to be updated more plz tell me if you liked this chapter and if you have any ideas for the next😉

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