Talent show!

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(Josies POV)

Josie woke up in a good mood not just because the girl that she was madly in love with was sleeping on her chest but because today was the Salvatore school talent show. Josie always loved the talent show her, her twin, and a few friends have been doing the same routine for years and somehow managed to win every year. This year is different though this year Josie decided she wanted to sing. She was great singer but she was always afraid but if this week has taught her anything it's that she shouldn't be afraid to do anything especially if it's something that she's really good at. She did feel slightly bad for leaving her sister but when asking lizzie if she was be okay with her doing her own thing this year lizzie was very supportive Josie would say she was more excited than her. She was so busy in her thought that she didn't notice that the auburn haired girl on her chest was now woke and staring at her.

" What are you thinking about?" Hope said startling Josie.

" Oh um I was just thinking about the talent show and what song i'm going to sing"

Hope jumped up in excitement at the thought of hearing Josie sing

"I cant wait to hear you sing"hope said in excitement."what are you singing"

"I have know idea thats what I was just thinking about" Josie smiles happy but also nervous that hope will hear her sing for the first time.

"are you gonna participate in the talent show" Josie asked already knowing the answer.

"No i'm not but I can't wait to see you win" Hope said with her famous Mikaelson smirk.

Josie blushed and smiled back"And how do you know that I will win"

Hope grabbed her hand and looked it to her eyes and said" Because your perfect anything you do will be perfect" Josie forgot how to breath for a second only able to muster up a smile which hope thought was perfect.

After the talk they got ready and went lunch because they ended up sleeping in and missed breakfast. They met up with the super squad at the lunch table who all gave each other a knowing look mumbling team Hosie.

J/H: hey guys what'd we miss

Mg: nothing much we were just talking about hosi- ow what was that for?" Lizzie kicked mg before he could tell them about the ship name they had for them. Don't get her wrong she wanted them together more than anything lord knows she can't take them pining over each other every second but she knew that they had to figure it out by themselves so for now hosie stays between super squad minus hosie.

L: Sorry mg I thought it was a bug on my leg" she gives him a look telling him to play along having almost ruined everything.

Mg: oh yeah um it's ok it didn't really hurt anyway" he said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck knowing that if he didn't play along Lizzie would've killed him. Even though he's already dead it still scared him.

J: um ok then who's ready for the talent show?

Mg: Aw man it's gonna be lit me and kaleb gonna win this year" he said high-fiving kaleb.

K: yeah mg's dance moves mixed with my amazing voice we got this year in the bag!

L: We'll hate to burst your bubble dorks but my dear sister is going to win this year and trust me her voice is  ten times better than your voice and his moves" she smiled proudly

J: Thanks Liz but anybody could win I know everybody's gonna be great" Hope loved how modest Josie was about everything and how she can make anybody fell special about doing anything.

H: We'll from what I heard you have an amazing voice and I can't wait to hear it tonight but I have to go train with your dad since we slept in this morning" she gave Josie a quick hug said bye to super squad and then left.

L: oooo you guys slept in this morning what were you doing" she teased Josie like a kid.

J: Nothing Lizzie we just talked and slept that's it!" She said blushing

L: yeah ok. Let's go get ready for the talent show and I have the perfect song for you to sing.

J: How do you know I don't have a song to sing already.

L: Because I know you now come on.

J: Fine bye guys

L: bye guys

Mg: bye see u guys tonight

K: bye

(Author Notes)
Hi guys yes another update! Hope you guys enjoyed I decided to split the talent show up because this chapter was kinda long but I hope you guys like it.

P.S  don't be ghost readers it okay to comment 😁

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