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(Hopes POV/Narrator)

I wake up with my alarm going off telling me I have to get ready to train with Alaric. I go shower and put on some grey joggers and a crop top that shows my abs. As i'm putting on my clothes I remember what happened between me and Josie yesterday or what almost happen. I feel the nerves in my stomach thinking about seeing her again but I quickly shake the away. She likes me if she didn't she would've pulled away but she didn't, I tell myself trying to ease my nerves. When I look at my phone I realize i'd been thinking for a while and now i'm late I head out thinking that me and Josie will have to talk about what happened.

(Josies POV/ Narrator)

I wake up to my alarm going off telling me that we have to get up for the tour I go up to Lizzies bed and shake her.

"Liz wake up if we are late for the tour dad will kill us"she groans and gets up angrily she's clearly not a morning person. I laugh and head to the bathroom to shower once i'm done I put on my navy Salvatore sweater with my navy skirt and stockings. After I got out Lizzie went in as I waited on her I texted hope asking her if we can talk about last night she didn't respond so I assumed she was still training with my dad. After Lizzie gets out she puts on her clothes and we head downstairs we made it just in time to see a girl and a boy get out the car me and Lizzie quickly approached them trying to get done as quick as possible so we can enjoy our weekend.

"Hi welcome to the Salvatore boarding school were your tour guides"Lizzie said first.

"Im Josie"

"Im lizzie sisters"


"Paternal obvs" They smiled at the two who were looking really confused not really understanding what they said but they smiled anyway and introduced themselves.

"Hi i'm Maya Machado and this is my twin brother Ethan." Maya said with a big smile that could light up a room. Ethan waved at the girls with a small smile.

" Nice to meet you guys I think you will love the school lets get this tour started"Josie said with a welcoming smile. They all walked off as Josie and Lizzie begin taking turns showing the Machado twins around. Halfway through the tour hope had come up tho the girls not seeing the Machado's.

"Hey Liz"

"Hi Hope"

" Josie I uh just got your text I was working out with your dad"Josie chuckled at hopes nervousness. 

"Yeah I figured its nothing bad I promise" Josie said grabbing Hopes hand at this she could see Hope visibly relax. The girls completely forgetting other people were there until someone cleared their throat.

"Well love birds if your done me and Josie have a tour to get back to" They both blushed and let go of each others hands as hope turned around to apologize she saw to familiar faces.

"Omg maya Ethan!" she excitedly run up to them giving them both a big hug.

"Hopey we missed you"  Maya said hugging hope back tightly. Josie did not like this if Lizzie could think of one word her sister was thinking it would've been death because she looked like she was ready to kill maya.After the old friends got done hugging hope asked a question the siblings were dreeding.

"Why are you guys here?"The twins teased up but then told their old friend how they came to be supernatural's at a supernatural high school.(Im to lazy to describe it but they got turned unwillingly by someone).

"Omg i'm so sorry to here that" Hope said sincerely.

" Its fine it happened a while ago my mom sent us here so we can learn to control it better" Ethan finally spoke.

"Well enough about us you never told us you went this school"(lets pretend like they knew she was supernatural)   

"Yeah well we use to have so much fun it never came up"Hope laughed a genuine laugh along with maya and Ethan. 

"I missed your cute laugh" Maya said to hope flirty. Hope blushed and looked down mouthing a quick thanks. Josie on the other hand was fierce she hated that maya had that affect on hope didn't this girl know that hope was her's? Lizzie saw her sister loosing her cool and decided to join in.

"Well it's been fun hope but we really have to finish this tour"

"Oh yeah yeah sorry for interrupting by guys it was great seeing you again come find me after the tour so we can catch up by lizzie by Jo" She said and started to walk away before maya said

"Bye cutie"Hope turned around and put up her hand to wave but then she looked a Josie angry face that said"Don't you dare wave at her Hope Andrea Mikelson" hope immediately retracted her hand and hurried away knowing that she was in big trouble.

(Authors Notes)

Hi guys hope you enjoyed A little jealous Josie more to come next chapter!  I realized that i've been writing in their POV plus an Narrators POV so i changed it to both their POVS. This chapter is short because its 1:00 where I live so i'm tired but I will post another chapter today. BYE>


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