Old Days

67 1 2

(Josies Pov)

Its been about a week since me and hope had that argument. Since then i've just been throwing myself into school work and new students. Speaking of new student I have to give a tour in 2 hours, i'm tired most of the time but I don't feel as terrible  as i could. I've seen hope around with Isabelle and sometimes super squad, its funny because every since hope left they have all been acting like children of divorce it seems to have gotten worse when hope came back.

But enough about hope i'm on my self healing journey that means no hope, no girl, no boys, no distractions in general only school and maybe some lizzie, just kidding i need her most of all right now i'm so glad she was willing to drop everything for me she's come a long way i'm proud of her I should tell her that more often.

Right now i'm in my room studying like i've been doing the past week (ggrrh) welp looks like i'm hungry it was time to take a break anyway. Before I make my way to the kitchen I take my phone and check the clock i still have about 30 minutes now before I have to go meet the new student and give them the tour. When i enter the kitchen I see that it's empty thank god.

I go straight to the pantry and look for some granola bars I stashed a few days ago. As i'm looking I hear the kitchen door open but I ignore it because a lot of people come here to get snacks. "I cant find them what the hell" i say out loud sighing in frustration.

"Did I just hear the miss perfect Josie Saltzman curse" I turn around to see hope with a small amused smile on her face.

"Well someone stole my snacks so i'm a bit pissed" I smiled back.

"Oh you mean these" she takes two of my granola bars out of her pocket labeled Josie. My mouth dropped why does she have my snacks and when did she take them i've been eating them this whole week but before i could ask she spoke up.

"I've been trying to find the time to talk to you all week but you've been avoiding me for good reason though i'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten angry like that when we talked you were right like always" she smiled rolling her eyes at the same time.

I smiled back"Im sorry to I shouldn't have made it you're fault"

"No it's okay it was my fault I was been selfish" we stared at each other before i cleared my throat. Get you're head back in the game Josie remember no distraction i said in my head.

"Friends again" I held out my hand for her to take.

"Best friends" she shook my hand and turled me caused both of us to burst out into laughter it was short lived tho as my alarm went off telling me that I had to get to the front for the tour.

"Oh i have to go I got a tour to do"

"ok um do you maybe want to come over for a movie night like old times -lizzie too" Im glad she added lizzie I don't think I could handle being alone with hope right now.

"yeah that sounds like fun you better have snacks and disney movies" I said threateningly but I just ended up laughing causing hope to laugh.

"Ma'am yes ma'am" she said solder like before laughing again.

"ok ok i've gotta go text me the time and if you want me to bring any thing"

"ok" I started to leave before she called me back holding up my granola bars.

"Forgetting some thing jo" hope said with the signature Mikelson smirk. 

"Thanks" I took them speed walking out so that she can't see the small blush appearing on my cheeks. Man that smirk does something to me and when she calls me jo.

As i'm walking to the front I see a girl turned around with shoulder length black hair, blue jeans, black doc martian boots, and a leather jackets.

"I guess this is the new student she's cute at least from the back" I thought to myself but before I could imagine how she would look she turned around.

"Penelope?" I said shocked

"JoJo" she said smirking.

(Authors notes)

And that'll do it! i know that i've been gone for a while i was dealing with a death in my family and i've been preparing to go to college! But I hoped that you guys enjoyed I'll try to update more but no promises. Merry Christmas and a happy New year to all I hope that you enjoyed you're holidays. VOTE AND DONT BE GHOST READERS COMMENT!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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