Maybe it was better when we were just best friends.

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(Josie's POV)

When hope gave me her family's ring I felt like the happiest person in the world but that happiness came to an end when I was filled with guilt. I just kept imagining how happy we would be by now if I would've just let her explain, if I would've let her in, if I would've told her not to go but it's to late for what ifs she happy with someone else maybe I should be too. I can't-

"What's wrong" I was knocked out of my thoughts by hope. I looked up to see her worried face, she always did know when something was wrong that's what I love about her.

Nothing I was about to say but then realised who I was talking to. Knowing that I can't lie to hope I just tell her the truth.

"I think you should give this to Isabella" as soon as I said that I immediately regretted it looking at the hurt and confusion on her face but before I could take it back she spoke.

" why would I do that it was for you I want you to have it"

"But what will your girlfriend think about you giving a promise ring to an ex? I just don't want to complicate things."

"I'm sure it'll be fine it was already made for you long before me and Isabella knew each other."

"You can't just assume that she'll be fine with this I know if it were me in that position I would be hurt." I said starting to get angry how can she be so inconsiderate.

"Why do you care so much it's just a stupid ring" she yelled. I felt like my heart stopped for a moment. Here I was thinking she actually still cared for me maybe even still loved me but this was probably just some pity thing.

"Jo I'm sorry I didn't mean it I was just- she started taking a step towards me causing me to immediately take a step back.

"No no it's fine" I said trying my hardest not to cry. Maybe it's time for me to let her go,maybe it's time for me to move on.

"I-I think that we should stay away from each other for a while"putting on my bravest face I looked to hope and saw her face go from guilty, to shocked, to hurt.

"But I just came back no I cant, you can't," tears starting to well up in her eyes. Seeing her like this is making me want to take back everything I said before but I know that I have to do this for me.

"I have to put me first this time"

" We've been apart 2 months 2 whole fucking months without seeing you now you want me to what? Act like you don't exist.

"No but my world can't revolve around you anymore hope"I shouted.

"I've loved you since we were kids before I even knew what love was, but maybe we didn't think this through all the way maybe we should've stayed best friends" I said the last part in a whisper with tears in my eyes but loud enough for Hope to hear.

"You don't mean that" Hope said now letting the tears fall from her eyes.

"I do" I stood there looking in her eyes watching her go through different emotions before finally landing on anger. She wiped the tears from her face before speaking.

"You're right" was all she said before leaving my room with a slammed door.

I just stood there watching the door until I finally let the tears out. That night I bawled for hours with the comfort of my sister and my Disney movies.

(Authors notes)
Hi guys I updated as promised but I hoped you guys enjoyed I know this was a pretty short chapter but I still liked it. Please give me ideas for the next chapter and please no, no humility hope I just don't like making hope evil.


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