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(Hopes POV)

I was woken up by the sunlight in my face as I attempted to get up and close the curtain I felt a weight on my chest I looked down and saw Josie the memories of last night coming back and I smile at the thought of me and Josie being on good terms again. I stare at her taking in all of her features she looks so cute sleeping. I grab my phone to see the time realizing i'm 5 minutes late for my workout with Alaric I try to get up but Josies hold on me tightens.

"Nooooo stay with me" her morning voice was so hot i almost melted right there.

"Jo I have to go work out with your dad. But when I get back I promise we can stay in bed and watch Disney movies all day" i tell her knowing she loves Disney movies.

She looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes "promise" she said

"I promise" We stare at each other for what feels like forever I glance down at her lips I really want to kiss her but I can't we just started to be friends again and I don't want to mess it up. I carefully get up before I did something I would regret and went to get some clothes for my workout.

"before you go will you go have breakfast with me"she said with that pouty face she knows I can't resist.

"Fine just let me text your dad that I will be there in 10 minutes" I say giving in she jumps up with the biggest smile on her face. I laugh at her excitement and throw her some sweat pants and a crop top "get ready dork" I tell her smiling she goes to the bath room while I stay outside and change. Before I can put on my shirt my phone dings I grab my phone to see who's texting me It was just Alaric telling me that I will have to stay an extra 15 minutes for being late I roll my eyes texting him back "k" I put my phone down and as i'm about to grab my shirt Josie comes out I can't help but look at how good she looks in my clothes when I reach her face its beet red I wonder why.

" Josie are you ok your face is really red are you feeling sick" I instantly try to comfort her.

"I uh y-you uh" I started to laugh at her stuttering then looked down to see that I forgot to put my shirt on. I instantly grabbed my shirt and put it on.

" uh sorry I was texting and forgot to put my shirt on" I said scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Its okay are you ready to go to breakfast"

"yeah let me just grab my phone" We talked all the way until we made it to the cafeteria.

(Josie's POV)

When I saw hope without a shirt I instantly became a blushing mess. I mean how can someone be and look so perfect especially in the morning god this girl is going to be the death of me I internally groan. After that awkward encounter we talked all the way to breakfast. As we were sitting down I saw lizzie approaching us with mg they sat down we all said our hello's and they continued their argument on who's better dc or marvel.

"Dc is way better then marvel we have batman superman and wonder women" lizzie said mg argued " Marvel is definitely better yeah they have those guys but we have the black panther(rip),spider man, iron man, the hulk, Captain America, Wanda, doctor strange, and so on" he finished with a smug smile. Hope laughed and said" i'm with mg on this one marvel is way better sorry liz" I don't know what they are talking about but I want to challenge hope.

" well i'm on your side sis I think dc is better not to mention how hot superman is" I said with a smug smile trying to get under hopes skin but before I could see her reaction the devil herself walks up to our table.

"Hey JoJo I missed you after we had that heated make out session I was sure you were going to spend the night" she said with her stupid smirk I like hopes better. I look at hope and she looks really mad avoiding eye contact with me before I could respond to Penelope hope got up.

" uh I have to go work out see you guys later" she says rushing off omg i'm going to kill Penelope!

I get up and start to yell at her" Leave me the hell alone Penelope what happened between us was a mistake that will never happen again now go away!" she looks scared as she walks away I sit back down on the verge of tears thinking about hope hating me. Lizzie reaches over and grabs my hand"Its going to be okay Jo come on let's go talk". We walk to our room silent but once we get in the room I let it all out.

"She's gonna hate me lizzie I don't know what i'll do if she hates me" I start to cry louder lizzie hugs me and starts singing softly so that I could calm down. After Im calm she starts to talk.

"Josie you know hope could never hate you and you made a terrible mistake sleeping with satan but thats all it was a mistake"I nod my head wanting to believe her.

"How about you go talk to her and ask her how she feels about this situation"I check the time and realize i've been cry for almost an hour. Hope should be still packing up outside I think.

"Okay thanks for your help love you bye" I say rushing out hearing a faint I love you too.

As I get out side I see hope packing up my dad must've left already."hope can we talk"

"I guess what did you want to talk about"

"I wanted to talk about what happened at breakfast with Penelope, look what she said was true but it didn't mean any-"

"Josie it doesn't matter what you do in your free time is on you I don't care" she says shrugging

"No hope you don't get to do that you don't get to be mad at me for this I was in a vulnerable position that you put me in I told you how I felt you said you didn't feel the same way so you do not get to act like this" I say yelling at her.

Before she could respond we hear a load roar and a giant cyclops jumps out hope jumps in front of me as the cyclops attempts to hit me instead it knocks her against the tree she groans but gets up anyway hitting it with every spell but it doesn't bulge. I remember reading that you have to stab the cyclops in the eye with a sharp object to kill it. I tell hope as we are are attempting to find a sharp object the cyclops comes running towards me with its claws out it was about to slash me but hope jumped in front of me and it slashed her instead she drops down struggling to breath while blood pours out of her body"Nooo you can't die hope please you can't leave me" I say crying uncontrollably she pulls out a knife and I instantly know what she wants me to do I turn around and use my magic to stab the cyclops in the eye. Once its dead I turn back to hope to see if she was still breathing she was but her breath was shallow. I hurriedly picked her up and took her to the school yelling help as I get in my dad and lizzie come running.

"what happened jo"they both say.

"Cyclops" was the only thing I could muster up. we hurried and got hope to the nurse I couldn't stand there and watch her like that because of me I went outside to get some air and to think. "Please hope you have to wake up if you die I will never forgive you" I say crying uncontrollably to myself.

(Authors Notes)

And thats it for today guys hope you enjoyed. If you have any recommendations please let me know. This is my longest chapter yet!!!

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