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(Authors notes: so i have know idea what i want to do with this chapter but i just wanted to update;)

(Hopes Pov)
I've been back to school for a week now and everything seems ok. Me and Isabella are doing great and super squad forgave me for leaving they understood why I had to. Me and Josie rarely talk but that's mostly because I can't bring myself to talk to her she tries but I know that if we talk it will bring back all the feelings I've been trying so hard to bottle up.

But enough about Josie the week has been so hectic with me getting back to my classes and catching up on thing that I missed I completely forgot to put my stuff away. Some how through all of the chaos Bella managed to put her stuff away.

She used most of the closet space which is fine because I don't have that many clothes so I can put my stuff in all of the drawers. (1 hour later)
As I'm finishing up I get to my last draw ready to be done finally only to discover a small black ring size box. I was confused and wondered if it was Isabella's until I opened to see my favorite ring with the Mikelson M embroidered in it.

I remember looking for it for ages back in New Orleans. I slipped it on my finger only for it to stop half way. I took it off wondering how'd it get so small until I look at what was engraved on the inside. (JosiexHope always and forever) I teared up remembering when I got this engraved for her.

It was the day before we broke up I wanted to promise her that I would never break her heart and that I will always be there for her but I never got around to giving it to her. I wiped my now falling tears and put the ring back in the black box. I had to get rid of it before Isabella see's it.

I walked out of the hallway in a hurry only to come crashing into someone causing the ring to fall out of the box.

(Josie Pov)

This week sucks, everybody's all happy and cheerful and I'm here pinning after my ex who has a girlfriend and who also happens to be avoiding me for some odd reason. I've been trying to talk to hope every since she got back but she either cut the conversation short with something made up or she's always with her girlfriend who is so annoyingly nice.

So today I made it my mission to get hope Mikelson to talk to me. It was lunch time and I didn't see hope there but I did see Isabella who was sitting with currently made new friends. I assumed that hope was still in her room unpacking became she had to get a lot of work done this week. So I told super squad to watch Isabella while I went to find hope.

When I made it out of the cafeteria I ran towards hopes room upstairs when I came close enough to see the door I slowed my pace down but I came crashing into another person before I could reach the door. I got up to apologise only to be met with the girl I had been searching for. Some how I got tongue tied and wasn't able to speak but I snapped out of it hearing hopes soothing voice.

"Josie I'm sorry I wasn't watching were I was going"

"No it's fine I was the one running" we awkwardly stared at each other until she looked like she remembered something and started frantically looking on the ground.

" what are you looking for" I asked curiously.

"Oh it's nothing I'm fine " she said still looking on the floor.

I just stood there watching until something shiny caught my eye. I picked it up noticing a Mikelson M embroidered on the top. As I was about to give it to hope I noticed a ring box near where I found the ring that made my heart drop. I didn't think that they were that serious I guess I was wrong.

"Is this what you were looking for" hope got up sighing in relief only to look terrified.

"Uh yeah but it's not what it looks like" she started to explain before I cut her off.

"No it's fine I'm fine I hope Isabella likes it I know it's your favourite ring" I said pushing the ring and the box into her hands running away before she could see my tears. I ran to me and Lizzie's room laid on my bed and just cried. How could I be so stupid of course she moved on maybe I should to.

(Hopes POV)

I stood there confused until I finally understood why she ran off she thought that the ring was for Isabella so I'm guessing she didn't read what was inside. Was she crying? No no Josie's over me she wouldn't care. I thought about Josie in the position that I'm in and seeing Josie give a promise ring to someone else would break my heart I know it.

I gotta go after her just to clear the air not because I need her to know me and Isabella's not that serious or anything. I just need her to have this for closure that's all...

(Authors notes)
Well guys I'm back I don't know how I went that long without updating but I'm sorry and I'll try to post more before school starts back.!

P.s this chapter was extremely rushed so I hope you guys like it. And also she hope and Josie get back together now or later? I'm on the fence about it right now.

Bye guys see you soon make sure to vote and comment 🫵🏾

Word count (989)

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