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(Josie/Narraters POV)

After Hope left the girls finished giving the Machado's the tour but not without it being tension between Josie and Maya. After the tour Josie went to her room to get ready for her talk with Hope. She was really nervous even though she knew Hope liked her back it was hard to stop overthinking especially after everything they've been through but Josie shook her fears away and texted hope that she was done with the tour.

Jo❤️🎤:Hey Hope i'm done with the tour come to my room when your ready;)

Hope❤️🐺: Ok i'll be there in 5;)


5 minutes later Josie heard a knock at the door knowing it was hope she hurriedly checked herself in the mirror making sure she looks perfect. After she was done she open the door to see hope and immediately went breathless. Hope was wearing a black shirt, some black pants, and a black leather jacket with her black combat boots her hair was also curly and she had on light makeup. Josie just stood their staring at her until she heard her laugh.

"Uh Jo you mind letting me in unless were gonna talk out here" Hope said teasing her with the infamous Mikaelson smirk.

" Oh yeah come in" Josie blushed and moved aside to let hope in and closed the door behind her. Hope stood their awkwardly before taking a seat on her bed. It was awkward silence at first neither one of them knowing what to say to the other until Josie spoke up trying to break the silence.

"So you look nice going somewhere"Josie asked curiosity getting the best of her.

"Oh uh yeah me, Maya, and Ethan were gonna hang out at the grill after this" Hope said excited Josie on the other hand didn't like the sound of Maya and Hope alone it mad her feel sick and guilty because she knows that Hope isn't truly her's yet so she has know reason to hate Maya or be jealous so she puts on a fake smile and acted happy for her.

"That sounds like fun I uh hope you guys have fun" Hope just stared at her like she could see right through her.

"Whats wrong Jo"Josie was taken back by the question she didn't know what to say and she couldn't lie because she was terrible at it and everybody knows it so she just asked hope the question that been racking her brain well the second question.

"Do you like Maya" Hope had a mixture of shock, confusion, and amusement?

"No I don't like Maya that way were just friends we have been for a while she just has a flirty personality" Hope laughed at the sigh of relief coming from Josie.

"Well good because your mine" Josie said with a burst of confidence. Hope looked shocked at first but quickly started blushing but she couldn't let Josie have all the fun.

"Oh i'm all yours Saltzman" Hope said with a smirk walking up to Josie. Josie just stood their not knowing what to do until Hope can to a stop right in front of her face. Josie could feel her heart pounding she knows that hope can to. Before Josie could process what was happening she felt hopes warm hand cup her cheek as she started to lean in. Josie was absolutely freaking out but leaned in as well until she felt hopes soft lips on hers causing her to sigh. The kiss started off slow then got heated as Josie parted her lips slightly allowing hopes tongue to slip inside. There bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as their lips pressed together. They kissed until they needed to come up for air their foreheads together breathing heavily until hope spoke up.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Hope said looking Josie straight in the eyes with a big smile. Josie was shocked at first but quickly smiled the brightest smile hope had ever seen.

"Yes ofc I will" Josie said pulling hope in for a kiss before it was interrupted by hopes phone. Hope groaned and pulled her phone out of her pocket seeing that her and Josie had been talking and kissing for 20 minutes and that Maya and Ethan had texted her asking where she was.

"I have to go love Maya and Ethan are waiting on me"Hope said with a sad smile.

"Ok but when you come back promise that we'll have a movie night with lots of kisses and cuddles"Josie said with a sweet smile.

"I promise"Hope said giving Josie one last short kiss before leaving.

After Hope had left Josie jumped on her bed with a big smile Hope Mikaelson is my girlfriend she kept repeating in her head she laid down waiting for her sister to come back to tell her the big news.

(Authors Notes)

Hi guys hope you enjoyed finally getting a Hosie kiss!

stay tuned for the next chapter bye>

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