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(Narrators Pov)

Josie had no plan, she had tried to text hope but hope had changed her number, she tried to convince her dad to take her to new Orleans  but nothing worked so all that she could do was wait. If only she knew how long she would have to.

                               (2 months later)

It had been two months, two months since hope left and she felt great she had done so many things in new Orleans she even managed to make new friends but the best thing that happened was her finding someone. She never thought that she would be able to date again but here she was laying next to her new girlfriend Isabella. Her and Hope had meet at the arcade when hope was out with friends. They ran into each other which caused Isabella to apologize profusely and ramble hope thought that it was cute and told her that she was fine they started talking and the rest is history.

Isabella was pretty, sweet, and funny. She had long brunette hair and she was shorter than Hope standing 4'10 but the best thing about Isabella was her smile it could light up any room in this case any heart.

Hope still loved Josie but spending more time with Isabella over the months she learned to push that love deep down so far that it was almost nonexistent.

(Hopes POV/The Narrators POV)

It was time, I'm finally ready to go back I miss my old friends, my old room, the grill, I even miss Lizzie being mean to me. When I get back the first thing I'll do is go talk to her I had promised that I would call everyday but that only lasted a few weeks. I wanted so badly to leave the school in my past that I neglected my best friend I hope she forgives me and is happy that I'm back.

I was nervous to go back but I was happy that Isabelle was going with me did I mention that she was a witch? Yeah she's pretty powerful to we love training together.

"Babe are you all packed we have to be at the airport in 30 minutes" Isabella said looking stressed.

"Yes I'm ready love calm down" I said before approaching her and pecking her lips.

"Mmh I love your kisses but we have to go come on" Isabella said smiling.

"Ok ok let's go" hope grab the last suitcase and Isabella's hand before going to get in the car.

(Josie POV/narrators POV)

It had been 2 months since Hope left the first month I was a mess all I could do was cry but I had to get over it hope left because I couldn't be bothered to hear her out it's my fault.

A month into hopes leaving I tried to move on but every time I would end up comparing everyone to hope so now I'm focused on my magic, my classes, and helping Lizzie with her love life. Believe it or not but her and mg still haven't gotten together yes I know bummer but that'll change soon.

I just got finished with helping the little kids with there offensive magic when Lizzie came up to me looking annoyed.

"What's wrong Liz?"

"Dad just told me we have to give a tour in a hour I wanted to hang with mg" she said crossing her arms.

"I'm sure mg will understand or just ask him to come with us he's just as much a leader of this school like us"

"Omg that's a fantastic idea Jo I'll go get him and meet us at the doors in 45" she said smiling before running off to find mg.

I smiled at her retreating figure before going to my room and writing my songs. I had been writing a lot of music and singing a lot since Hope left it helped me a lot when I was feeling down. I was almost finished with my new song before I looked at the clock and realised that I was late meeting mg and Lizzie. I hurried out the door and down the steps to the main entrance and saw a pretty brunette girl and another girl that Lizzie was hugging as I got closer I was finally able to see who it was.


(Authors notes)
And that's a wrap for this one guys sorry for not updating in a while I was busy with exams 😢 but I hope you guys enjoyed this one there will be another one soon real soon😉 make sure u comment!!! And thanks for 1.17k!!

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