you saved me

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(Hopes POV)

I woke up in the infirmary with little memory of how I got there I try to get up only to be hit with an intense pain in chest. I groan and lay back down.

upon hearing all the noise Josie wakes up and immediately checks on hope.

" omg hope are you ok"

"yeah i'm fine my chest hurts though and I don't really remember how I got here"

Josie went from concerned to angry at the thought of remembering what happened 2 nights ago.

" you idiot why would you throw yourself in front of me you could've died hope!" Josie keeps rambling until hope grabs her hand and she immediately calms down.Upon Josie's rambling hope remembers what happened that night.

"Jo I know ok I know I could've died but I would've came back you wouldn't have and I couldn't let you get hurt. Yeah i'm an idiot but I would do it a million times again if it means that you are safe".

Josie couldn't contain her tears any longer the thought of hope dying mixed with the guilt she couldn't hold it in anymore. Hope immediately grabs her down on top of her to calm her. Her chest still hurts like hell but she would do anything and endure anything for Josie. About 20 minutes had pasted Josie cried so much that she was exhausted and ended falling asleep in hopes arms. The nurse came in about 5 minutes ago to tell hope that she should be healed in a couple of hours and that she can go to her dorm but she has to relax and stay in bed. Hope liked the sound of bed but relaxing was unfamiliar to her but she was sure that Josie was gonna make her. At the thought of Josie forcing her to stay in bed and relax hope chuckled causing the brunette to wake up.

"What are you laughing at"

"Nothing just the drool on your face" hopes starts to laugh. Josie instantly panics and run over to the mirror which only causes hope to laugh even more and louder.When Josie notices that there is no drool on her face she hits hope on the arm.

"ow" they look at each other and burst out laughing until they couldn't anymore. After the laughter died down hope told Josie what the nurse said.They went to hopes room after deciding that they were gonna watch movies but first hope wanted to take a shower. After she got out of the shower she put on some grey sweats and a crop top and put her hair in a messy bun. When she got out of the bathroom she saw Josie laying on her bed scrolling on Netflix trying to find something to watch Hope laid down next to her and they argued about what to watch obviously Josie won and they ended up watching 50 first dates with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston.

After about two hours later hope started to doze off but couldn't fully fall asleep Josie noticed this and put hopes head on her chest and started to rub her hair to sooth her. She unconsciously started to hum a song which caused hope to fall asleep instantly. Hopes last thought being "Josie should sing for the upcoming talent show she has a really great voice god she's perfect."

After seeing hope fall asleep peacefully Josie turned off the t.v and the table lamp and went to sleep smiling at the fact that she would get to wake up next to hope in the morning.

(Authors Notes)

Hey peeps sorry for the late update hope you guys enjoy if you have any suggestions let me know!

But The Talent show is coming up who's ready to see what happens there?maybe hope and Josie will get closes maybe they will fall apart who knows really? Well me I know but you guys have to read to find out.>BYE;)

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