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Hopes/Narrators POV

After I left Josie's room I couldn't stop smiling Josie Saltzman is my girlfriend my girlfriend I kept repeating in my head not noticing that I had made it outside where Maya and Ethan were waiting.

"What's got you so smiley?" Maya asked immediately snapping me out of my thoughts. I was about to tell her until I thought about if Josie was ready to tell people about us yet. After a little contemplation I decided to not tell her until I talked to Josie.

" Uh nothing I was just thinking about how I'm going to have the best day with two of my best friends". I said smiling but also surprised that I came up with something so fast. They looked a little suspicious but let it go.

"Awww we're excited to hang out with you to hopey" Maya said pulling me into a big hug.

"Ok ok enough of this sappy stuff let's go before it gets dark" Ethan said jokingly. Me and Maya pulled away laughing before getting in the car driving to the mystic grill.

(After they come from the mystic grill)

After they come back from the mystic grill Maya asked to talk to hope in private signaling Ethan to leave.

"Ok we'll I'll leave you guys to talk goodnight"he said leaving awkwardly.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked Maya worriedly seeing her so nervous.

"I uh I just" Maya stuttered causing hope to be even more worried because Maya was always confident never stuttered and never got nervous.

"Maya it's okay you can tell me anything I'll be here for you no matter what" I said grabbing her hand.

She looked nervous at first but then took a deep breath and looked into my eyes before I knew it she was kissing me.

Josie's/ Narrators POV

After hope left I jumped up and down on my bed until I had to take a breath. I couldn't believe Hope had kissed me and asked me to be her girlfriend this feels like a dream that I never want to wake up from.

I didn't have anything else to do today so I just waited on hope. I got in the shower and put on some comfy sweatpants and a crop top. After I was done I made my bed into a fort like we used to do and put on Disney plus after that I decided to do some homework until hope came back.

After about 2 hours I decided to go get some snacks. When I came down the stairs I see hope and Maya kissing. My heart drops and tears start pouring out as I start to yell at them.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME" I screamed at hope. As she pushed Maya away.

"Jo it's not what you think I pushed-" hope started but was interrupted by Josie .

"No save it I can't believe that you of all people would do this to me,but it's my fault for trusting you I'm sorry that I made things difficult for you by loving you so much." Josie cried. She felt broken like someone smashed her heart into pieces and blended them up with no way of knowing how to put it back together. She couldn't stand the look of guilt on hopes face so she run back to her room with hope shouting her name.

Hopes/Narrators POV

When I felt mayas lips on mine I was in complete shock at first then pushed her away but as I was about to explain to her that I was with Josie she pushed her lips back on mine. Before I could push her off for the second time I heard Josie's shout. I immediately pushed Maya back only to see a sight that broke my heart Josie crying.

I tried to explain that it wasn't like that but she cut me off saying her peace before leaving. I shouted after her calling her name. As I was about to run after her Maya pulled me back.

"Hope I'm so sorry I didn't know I never meant to hurt either one of you" she pleaded with me but I was to hurt and angry at the lost of Josie so I snapped at her.

"Well sorrys not going to fix this you just ruined my life I never want to see you or speak to you ever again" I told her before running off to Josie room.

As I approached her room I could here her sobs and all I wanted to do was tell her that I was sorry a million times and hold her.

"Josie please open the door let me explain" I pleaded. No answer.

"Josie please it's not what it looks like"

"Just go away hope I'm done we're done " she said defeated making my heart stop.

"No we can't be done you can't be done we finally found each other please don't do this Jo"

" I can't take you breaking my heart again hope not anymore I just can't"

"No no no please Jo I love you more than anyone and anything on earth please don't give up on us"

"I'm sorry"

(Authors Notes)
Omg who saw that coming? I did but wow that was sad I cried a little just writing this. Sorry for the long awaited update but hope guys enjoyed. The next update won't take me a whole month to right😂


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