New girlfriend

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(Hope's Pov)

As we approached the school, nerves started to creep in. What if they didn't want me to come back? What if they hate me? What if-

Isabella had grabbed my hand stopping my thoughts from running wild.

"It's okay everything will be fine" I smiled at her before giving her hand a light squeeze. She always knows what to say.

We stopped in front of the school before getting our bags out of the car and going inside of the school.

Before I had time to process anything I hear my name being called I look up to see Lizzie running towards me full speed.

She hugged me tightly before letting go to hit me then hugging me again I just laughed and hugged her back.

"You said you would call"

"I know Liz I'm sorry"

"Don't ever leave again unless you take me with you"

"I promise" I said before we started laughing. I finally noticed Mg behind Lizzie, we greeted each other before I heard my name being called for the second time today.

"Hope" I turned around and was met by Josie.

"Hi Josie" we stared at each other for what felt like eternity. How can she still be so beautiful? I thought.

No no you have a girlfriend hope a loving beautiful girlfriend speaking of her.

I cleared my throat before looking away from Josie and turning to Isabella and interlocking our hands.

"Guys this is Isabella my girlfriend, Isabella these are my friends." Isabella smiled when i introduced her as my girlfriend.

"Hi guys," Isabella smiled, Josie eyes widened and she just stared not even bothering to say Hi back.

Liz was quiet for a moment as well, "Well Hi, I'm Lizzie." She said after a while, Isabella nodded. Josie still hadn't said anything.

Finally she mustered up a smile, "Hi Isabelle, I'm Josie." She said but I could tell her reaction was fake.

I didn't speak on it though, Josie and I stared at each other for a minute until Liz cleared her throat.

I snapped out of it, "Well I'll show Bella around and catch up with you guys later." I said and the three of them nodded.

They walked away and I began to show Bella around the school and where we'd be sleeping, since we were sharing a room.

I was happy that Alaric had given me my old room and everything in it was just the way I had left it.

(Josie's Pov)

I couldn't believe Hope had moved on, seeing her smile and hold hands with Isabelle crushed me. I didn't want to believe it.

I smiled and spoke to her but in all honesty I envied her because she had the girl that I wanted, and I was hurt.

"Josie?" I looked up to Liz in my face, "Huh?" I asked. "How are you feeling, you know really?" She asked me.

"I don't know honestly, I mean it kind of hurts seeing her with someone else but it's been months and I shouldn't be mad."

"But you are?" She added and I nodded, "Yea I am." I admitted.

She didn't say anything as we continued to walk to our room, when we got there we walked inside and I went to my bed.

I stood there staring at the floor before tears swelled in my eyes, I wiped them and sniffled gaining Lizzie's attention.

"Jo, it's going to be okay." She came to my side and gave me a hug. I just cried in her arms feeling defeat.

"What if she never even wants to be friends? I love her and she's in love with some one else." I expressed.

Lizzie signed, "we don't know if they are in love we don't even know how long they have been together but I do know that hope still loves you, you guys have an epic love that can't disappear. Just talk to her tell her that you know that she pushed Maya off when she kissed her tell her that you still love her"

"But shes with Isabella and as much as I hate to say it she seems like a sweet girl and I don't want to hurt her like that"

"Ok then just be her friend like old times make her fall in love with you again yeah Isabella's a sweet girl but what you and hope have is irreplaceable anybody would kill to have that type of love. For once Jo it's time for you to be the selfish one."

I don't want to hurt anyone but she's right hopes my epic love and I won't let her go.


"Ok really I thought that I would have to persuade you more but ok" Lizzie said squealing

"Operation get hosie back together is a go"

"Looks like someone's been spending a lot of time with mg" she blushed causing both of us laugh.

(Authors notes)
Hope you guys enjoyed! Kinda rushed this chapter but I like it. Do you guys want more mizzie next chapter? Make sure you comment!

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