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A/N: Okay so like I'm totally not projecting all my emotions and shit onto Shirabu uh- JSDFLKJSDL anyways yeah 

TW: gender dysphoria 


Semi was laying on his bed staring at the wall, thinking about all that's happened in the past few days.

Why did I have to fall for Shirabu of all people?  Why do I have to be gay? 

Semi's alarm went off, practice starts in thirty minutes. Semi looked over at his alarm clock and just stared at it, letting the alarm play over and over for a few minutes until he got annoyed and turned it off. He continued to stare at the ceiling, not having enough energy or motivation to do anything today. 

I can skip practice for today, no one will care.

Semi picked his phone up to check the group chat.


Fuck Flattykawa

6:07 am

highchi: guys shira isnt coming to practice today

ProTractor: Alright, I will tell coach. I don't think he will be too happy about it because Shirabu has missed multiple practices recently. 

highchi: yeah shira knows that 

highchi: he was freaking out this morning 

highchi: he doesnt want coach to hate him 

highchi: but i made the decision for him to not go today

highchi: i dont think it would be good for him

ProTractor: Oh, does it have to do with the thing?

highchi: mhm, its worse than it was a few days ago 

ProTractor: Alright, I will let coach know. Hopefully he will understand.

ProTractor: Are you staying with him or coming to practice?

highchi: he wont let me stay with him this time so i am coming

ProTractor: Alright.

ripoffhisoka: awwww taichi can you tell shirababy that i love him

DrSetter: tendou i can still text 

ripoffhisoka: oh 

ripoffhisoka: do you wanna hang out with wakatoshi and i after school todayy?

DrSetter: id rather be by myself 

ripoffhisoka: okay fine 

Tsutoemoo: Shirabu-senpai are you okay??? :(

DrSetter: god, taichi why do you always have to message this stuff in the group chat 

DrSetter: everyone ends up getting curious 

highchi: ah sorry i wont do it again 

DrSetter: its fine I just dont like explaining it

highchi: yeah i get that 

ProTractor: Alright, everyone please get ready for practice.

ripoffhisoka: okayyy

highchi: kk

Heyatoe: mhm

Semisemi: Not coming

ProTractor: What? Why not?

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