Talk About it

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TW: small argument I guess 


Semi and Shirabu were still at Semi's house, in Semi's room, on Semi's bed. Semi's head was resting in Shirabu's lap while Shirabu ran his fingers through Semi's hair, comforting him. 

Semi hasn't talked too much since his father barged into the house. Shirabu was getting even more worried each minute. Semi has never been this quiet, and it's scaring Shirabu. Shirabu didn't know what to do though, he isn't good at comforting people and talking them through their emotions, normally he's the one who needs comfort.

Shirabu looked down to see Semi staring blankly at the wall, clearly thinking about something. Shirabu sighs and starts to talk, "Eita are you-"

Semi interrupts him, "I'm fine." 

Shirabu hear Semi's voice break slightly while saying that.

The room was silent for a little after that, Shirabu debating on whether or not to keep talking or just let it go. "Eita I know you're lying I-"

Semi cut him off again, this time he sat up and made eye contact with Shirabu, "I told you, I'm fine so stop asking." he said firmly, voice still sounding off.

Shirabu's eyes widened in response, "Why are you snapping at me? Eita I'm just worried about you after your fa-"

Semi glared at Shirabu and raised his voice, "Don't bring him up." 

"Right, sorry."

The room is silent. Neither of them knew what to do, both slightly upset with the other now. They both refused to make eye contact, the tension in the air could be cut with a knife. 

After around a few minutes, Shirabu said, "Look, I'm sorry-"

Semi interrupted him once more, "Can you just go back to the dorms and leave me alone?"

Shirabu stared at Semi blinking a few times, his brain struggling to process what Semi just said, "I... yeah... bye."

Shirabu stood up and walked towards the door of Semi's bedroom, ready to leave. He looked back to see Semi still sitting, but now his face was resting in his hands, and he looked as if he was about to breakdown. 

Semi looked up at Shirabu, it was obvious that Semi was holding back tears, "Get out, Kenjirou."

Shirabu felt uneasy, this isn't like Semi, "Eita... I don't want to leave you alone right now.. you're acting weird I-"

Semi cut him off once more, this time standing up and raising his voice even more, scaring Shirabu, "Just leave me alone, Shirabu."

Shirabu stared at him for a second, hearing Semi say his last name felt wrong, so wrong. All Shirabu could do in response to this was slowly nod his head and turn towards the door. As he began to walk out the door,  Shirabu whispered, "I love you, Eita."

He then closed the door and walked down the stairs of Semi's house. He was holding back tears, he didn't want to cry while he was still in the house. Once Shirabu got down the stairs, he quickly walked towards the front door, trying to get out of the house as fast as he could. 

"Oh, you're leaving already?" Shirabu turned around to see Semi's mom standing there. She looked stressed and tired yet also slightly worried.

Shirabu smiled at her, just pretend everything is okay, "Oh, yeah. I'm tired and have homework so I'm heading back to the dorms." He lied. He didn't want to explain to her what happened. 

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